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Posts posted by LeXXington

  1. I have a legend and yes the base packages are underpowered but it gets you into the water. Glad I purchased the base package at the time.


    I love my legend, It was purchased in 2004 and still going strong.


    Now that bad parts.. Rivets and warranty.


    Lifetime leak proof.. (start laugh track now).. The rivets started leaking at 8 years. Took it it to be repaired lasted 2 years and leaking again. No more warranty check the fine print.


    ~ Good boat for the price

  2. Now I can understand marking structure....but LSC is devoid of structure?!?


    People have pointed out the wrongs of taking the marker.


    LSC has lots of stucture.. a dip, small hump, even suken log.. Thing about LSC if you find something where fish hold you mark it .


    Some people are rude, just put in gear and leave...

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