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Posts posted by blaque

  1. Not that hard to do but....if the gimble bearing is pooched or the motor has settled out of alignment at the mounts you could be into problems beyond a backyard fix.

    This is what concerns me the most actually.......the first time this lower unit will have seen a wrench, who knows what else im going to find lol

  2. Ya, ive spent some time on youtube after posting this to see what all is involved. Seems like something i do not want to get into, and would be a tool or 2 short on anyway


    Welp, we shall see what the going rate is for gettin it done


    Thanks guys

  3. My fathers old boat needs the bellows replaced on a Merc I/O and im on the fence on wether i attempt it myself or preferably, have it done lol


    Im near Buffalo, and at this point, alot of the good marine mechanics around the niagara and erie are swamped but im going to look into.


    I guess the question is, would this be a job to take on myself or bring it to the experts. And the bigger question is.........whats a fair price for this job. Understanding that they will probably replace the main bellows, exhaust bellows, and shift cable while the lower unit is off.


    Whats the price range so i know whether im getting taken to the cleaners or not when getting estimates?

  4. It really depends on the lens you are using. When I've got my EF 100-400mm @ 400mm the camera will autofocus pretty easily. I also like to focus via Liveview with the 10X zoom, that really helps. I find the camera sometimes has a harder time with the exposure level (Again all depends on the situation).


    I always like to use the rule of thirds, I try not to place the subject right in the middle of the pic (At least in POST, during my actual shooting I really don't care, lots to crop out)


    Ya i suppose it would. That makes sense. I didnt have the patience to keep trying on auto lol. My mirrorless has something similar to what i think your referring to with the liveview and 10x zoom. Ive got whats called "focus peaking" and "focus assist". Which basically zooms in 5X when i hit the focus ring and highlights the area of focus on the subject with a red or green (my choice) highlight. Works awesomely lol


    I def. see the rule of thirds at play in the first shot..........and it absolutely works. Ill have to keep it in mind.........so many things to remember before you hit the shutter, its worse than swinging a golf club haha

  5. Have at er'..........those are amazing, That last one turned out pretty crispy!! The half moons can be a little more interesting too........not just a ball in the middle of a square composition lol. Puttin into one corner and adding the stars also helps as you did in the first one. Cool stuff

  6. blaque, nice shots. the sony a6000/6300 are great cams and i almost went a6000 but beware the sony e mount lenses in terms of cost. this was the main reason i went with micro 4/3rds instead of sony; there is a vast selection of m4/3rds lenses by olympus, panasonic, sigma etc and they are priced in the lower stratosphere compared to sony. the format has been fairly widely adopted.


    Thanks sir. And I also looked long and hard at the A6000. 2 things killed it........lenses were a little rich for my blood as you said....and the user interface of the camera was just too cumbersome for my liking. (no touch screen etc)

  7. I was pretty much right where you were about a year ago......posted a thread similar to this and got a lot of great advice. Among that advice was the suggestion to look into the mirrorless options out there. Since i was coming from nothing and had no experiece with DSLRS i went the mirrorless route. No complaints here thus far, and im having alot of fun learning the camera and the craft. Again, im just a novice but Im impressed with what these little cameras can do.


    These are from my Samsung NX500: most are from the NX 30mm 2.0 prime lens but the kit lens is ridiculously good too. Having said all this, I may be pooched and looking at another system in the near future as Samsung is rumoured to be exiting the camera market. And its a dan shame, cuz i love this camera in every way.


    As others have said, the SONY A6000 is one of the more popular mirrorless cams and its successor was just released A6300 (PRICEY)............but there are lots of other options.













  8. sure is...if your the type that likes everything in 1080 or 720 and wants it at the push of a button and does not mind paying 150 a month for that then a streaming box may not be for you....if you can live with doing a little searching and not always seeing everything in HD and like to be able to watch every movie and TV show ever made or have access to 100`s of channels from all over the world...watch 1000`s of documentaries and specialty shows ...loads of high quality music streams...all types of sporting events from around the world...one thing I do enjoy is watching my favorite programs the following day commercial free....if the latter sounds appealing then streaming may be for you...it will cost you 50-100 to see if you like it...or nothing if you have a laptop or a old android cell phone....


    Im already living in the streaming world with a chromecast, and streaming netflix, and some movie apps along with youtube etc etc.......Im not a super HD snob lol. So the streaming life is for me. I agree, i like binge watching my favorite shows commercial free and in a row.

  9. the biggest thing you give up going with a box is live sports


    yes, there are live streams out there but they aren't always great quality or reliable.


    if you are a sports junky then get the box but also subscribe to a sports feed.. ie. nhl gamecenter then cut the cord. at ~100 a season it will still be cheaper than paying cable for a year.

    Thats an extremely valid point, and definitely something ill be looking into

  10. I have streamed every Habs game this year no issue....I am sure the Bills games are there for the taking too!


    Ya, thats how i was getting my sports fix when i dropped cable for a while. The low resolution of the streams really bugged me, but even more-so.........was trying to find a working feed that would stream for me consistantly I dunno, i just had alot of frustration and badluck with the sites i was streaming from and it was a crap shoot whether they would work, freeze up, etc........

  11. Im at $145 a month down here in NY with Time Warner (otherwise known as crime warner)...........I lived with a cut chord for about a year a few years back and thought i was gonna go bonkers without my hockey and football games so i jumped back in.


    If the Sabres or Bills arent on, im watching NETFLIX or some of my movie apps thru a chromecast. If i could kick the sports, i could kick the cable easily.

  12. STP was pretty much the soundtrack to my college years in the early 90s. I wasnt a monster fan, I liked them..........but everyone else was INTO THEM and you couldnt go a day without hearing them in dorm rooms, college bars and all the other college environments. Heck, i knew two seperate guys that played in two different STP cover bands lmao


    Definitely sad, but not a shock for sure

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