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Posts posted by blaque

  1. I still hold hope they knock out a few amazing episodes a season....first episode wasn't amazing but certainly a balsy way to start the season, and i did get that "what are the ruleees" stuck in my head for awhile afterwards lol.


    Last seasons "Mac and Dennis move to the Suburbs" was outstanding

    Ya, they weren't awful episodes......hope they step it up a little though. And yes..... Dennis is flying his psychopath flag high in the suburbs episode lol. I predict he murders cricket or the entire gang in the final episode haha

  2. Currently excited to follow the new season of Its Always Sunny in Philadelphia, but based on the first two episodes so far.....Im not really impressed. The show has been amazing but after 12 years i think its finally getting a little stale. Pretty amazing considering it usually only takes a series 4-5 seasons to burn out if that. Still funny, still following it, but its lost a little something. Kinda like a legendary band still trying to put out new music but just not able to recreate the hits like they used to.


    Having said that, Any fans of the show should check out Sweet D's new series ........"The Mick".......Its hilarious


    Im also a "dead head"..........not the grateful kind but the walking kind :)

  3. "Across the Midwest, across the Rustbelt, I understand why a lot of people are angry. And they see Donald Trump as their human Molotov cocktail that they get to go into the voting booth on Nov 8. and throw him into our political system, I think they love the idea of blowing up the system,"


    This was probably a majority of the rationale used when people made the choice to elect him in.


    No matter who you were behind down here, its no time for gloating or for sour grapes.

  4. Thanks guys!



    They used to try and block me at one my jobs. Suckers!!! lol. You gotta get your fix everyday. Even while on the job. :)


    Haha, they dont even make an attempt here.........in the end, i like to think im more productive after my coffee and fishing reports :) :)

  5. You hear it again and again.........but the Convergence rods are great. Ironically i just snapped up 2 9'ers for the upcoming pier season, and they'll get double duty on channel cats in the spring!!


    I got my nephew a starter float rig last year with a 12' convergence rod........and it handles erie steelhead nicely

  6. Downtown Buffalo, at my desk at work........guy next to me with headphones on says non shalantly, "uh oh, i guess a plane ran into one of the twin towers". Crazy cuz i thought the same thing everyone i have talked to over the years say they thought....."figured it was a cessna type plane" Wasnt long after that , that everyone dropped their work and headed to the cafeteria to watch it all unfold.


    I remember, no-one could fathom what they were seeing right in front of them on television, but there was still conversation happening in the room. And then it happened..........the first tower collapsed, any conversation had stopped abruptly, and the whole room deflated. The unfathomable turned to surreal, people were just walking out of the room with an almost panicked yet subdued look on their face, like they just werent all there. Tears, disbelief, anxiety, just numbness all around. I remember people just going back to their desks to gather their breif cases and purses, and without a word to their managers or higher ups.........just walking out from their jobs for the day.


    An awful day and one that my mind will never be able to erase


    I did a lot of macro back in the film days, Nikon with an 55mm. Micro Nikkor and either bellows or extension tubes. I would put the insects in the fridge for a while to sedate them down and shoot them in a setup condition like on a twig or something from their natural with a colour backdrop and a main and fill in flash to stop action and use a small aperture to increase depth of field.


    Aha.....i wondered how the insect guys got some of those bugs to sit still.......great tip!! I tried getting a spiders eyes the other day and he kept turning away from me lmao

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