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Posts posted by blaque

  1. Love the year in review videos. That big block boat is insane lol


    As a side note, hope you kick the cold. I remember when getting a cold lasted a week..........nowadays, all i hear about is people getting sick and it hanging on for weeks, including myself. A month or more seems to be the norm now, and never get a straight answer from my doctor as too why this is.

  2. Awesome awesome report!!

    You sir take some of the best pictures I've seen on ANY forum or website! Thanks for sharing :)


    I appreciate that, glad you like them. I do okay with a cell phone cam and some photo apps, but Im no photographer lol :santa: Not yet anyway, im looking into getting into it more in the coming years though

  3. Just wanted to throw up some pics from the fall/winter weve been having so far. Im at a stage now with my nephew where hes become self sufficient and theres more fish catching nowadays than untangling lines, or skipping rocks. Im proud of the fisherman hes becoming and the knowledge he now spouts off to me on our days on the water. Just wanted to post up a few pics from this season and a few of our days on the water. Hes brought one of his buddies into the mix now too, whose giddyness upon hooking into fish is infectious. Its like being recharged, and has brought back some of the excitement i remember having back in those early days :) Not that i dont still have it today :)


    A few pics of fish, scenery, blah blah blah




    This guy decided to hang a bit after release





    Second fish so far, a proud dude






    He didnt want a pic as there was sand on the fish lol, hes a stickler, i took it anyway lol













    The Swimming Dead!!



















  4. Glenner, your story reminds me of when I failed to tie up the boat two summers ago on White Otter Lake. Sand beach, awesome camping site, we had 6 people there, so 3 boats. I beached our boat to the far right, my buddy Al's boat to the left and Steve's boat to the left of his. Super crazy storm that night, howling winds, just one of those crazy nights. I wake up at about 3am and gotta take a leak. I walk down to the water with my flashlight and the boat isn't there. I'm thinking, this isn't good our Lund is now up on some rocks getting smashed to bits because I forgot to tie the damn thing off!!!!!


    I look over and it is snuggled nicely inbetween Al and Steves boat, even had the bumpers out so zero scratches. I laughed good and hard at that one (And didn't bother telling the oldman either!)


    Don't ask my how that even happened, the physics behind it just make my shake my head.


    so your saying it backed out, shifted over, and pulled back in between the other two boats? Thats some close encounters of the third kind type stuff !!

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