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Posts posted by blaque

  1. Thats what im talkin bout.........can you share a little bit about ur procedure?


    Is this a single shot or any focus stacking involved? Youve got quite a bit in focus for a macro shot


    Using any flash to freeze the subject?



  2. Went for a tour Saturday it was worth the 9 hours I was gone







    This bird cracks me up lol

    And seriously, do you ever get your images published at all. Theres gotta be some birding magazines out there that would love to use your photos

  3. I believe there is also action on the north shore as well, I believe it was here I posted about catching them all summer from shore , off Hasting's Ave. at Long Point, many years ago, right up till late Sept and duck season. Your report makes me believe the fishery would still exist if any capable wanted to give it a try. Thanks for the report, it was good times with a small fire on the beach, dogs on a stick and brown pops in the cooler. :ninja:


    Agreed, its a blast. Catfish thumb the next day sucks though :)

  4. Weve been fishing cats down here on the south shore of Erie for a few weeks now and been having a blast. The hot and heavy action typically starts right at dusk and goes an hour or so after sunset. Then my arm gets tired and its time for bed :)


    Over the years, ive gone thru many phases of confidence in baits........but pretty much landed on fresh cut bait as a tried and true producer. The biggest fish typically come on cutbait vs the competition as well. Im finished with tying nasty chicken liver bags, and shrimp can get a little pricey.


    I do like the thought of trying Calamari though in the next couple outings lol.......hadnt thought of that


    One from last weekend........



  5. Post up a bunch I'd love to see them also not sure where your at but I'm thinking of going to the forks of the credit this fall for some pics tripod and ND filter in hand :D


    Will do, Im down in Buffalo ......never been up to the credit but i have the Catt in my backyard. Id like to get into Zoar valley soon with my stuff

  6. Let us know what you think of the samyang/rokinon 12mm. Considering the micro 4/3 version of it (24mm equivalent).


    One of the other options for me is the Olympus 12mm prime but it's more than twice the cost of the samyang/rokinon. I figure for the intended purpose (landscape) where you'll be shooting at infinite focus a lot of the time anyway, the lack of auto focus is a very minor inconvenience and not worth 2x the cost.


    The trend has certainly been to ultra wide angles for landscapes last few years but it hasn't always been that way. Even a 35mm or nifty 50, whatever equivalent that is in your particular crop sensor will produce stunning shots. The real key, in mu opinion, to a good landscape lense is great sharpness corner to corner even with the aperture wide open.



    I like it alot so far, its super sharp where i asked it to be (shot a bunch wide open to get some nice shallow depth of field) I also dont see the manual focus as a hinderance (until i tried it on a moving scene, my crazy nephews lol) and Using focus peaking is a huge help


    I havent really tested it yet at higher F stop trying to get the whole frame in focus yet. So havent really had a chance to "judge the corners" just yet.


    Warmer weather is here so i hope to get out and play with that and using infinity focus like you said and trying to get everything in sharp. Its def. got a sweet spot at around F8 from what ive seen in the Youtube reviews


    Actually we got those all summer just off that wall, I always thought they were a separate local population that stayed there, smaller fish typically than you got offshore. With the predominate winds we either trolled or pulled up to the marker just east of the foghorn and drifted back towards Nickel Plant Beach casting Erie Dearies tipped with a bit of crawler. In season a mixed bag of Smallies and Eyes was assured.


    Ya, i dont give the drift as honest of an effort as i probably should. Obviously doesnt cover as much water, but if ya find em......again, its the more enjoyable way to catch them summer walleye

  8. Honestly.

    I can't believe you go out on Erie on one of those

    And with spring water temps


    More balls than I've got


    Its really not that risky.......We arent very far off shore, watch to make sure the weather is gonna be stable for the evening, and its all good.

  9. We used to get them trolling in front of the east break wall at Port Colborne, some during the day but evening was usually better. Smaller fish than the offshore population than suspend over deeper water, you could probably launch a yak from Nickel Plant Beach and fish it.


    Ya, once the bite goes deep......im out. Dipsies, Jets, Planer boards, runnin 4 rods, draggin fish in with the boat under power, not my cup of tea lol

  10. One of my favorite times of the year.


    Light gear, long lines, and a box of shallow running stickbaits. Rod in hand and a direct connection to the strike. So much fun, lots of good eater size eyes, and an occasional SLOB thrown in there to keep it exciting


    Walleye tacos with a cilantro lime sauce as a reward for all my "hard work" :)











  11. Gleaming the cube, lol


    Skateboarding was life back in the 80's lol


    If you guys havent already........Go find and watch "Bones Brigade: An Autobiography" Its super entertaining for anyone who was tied to that era/culture back in the day


    Used to be on Netflix but for some reason they snatched it off of there?

  12. I was just going to post about Split that is out on DVD now. Just watched it last night. Yes James McEvoy's "beast" was a bit over the top I think. The real Beasts such as Jeffery Dahmer, Ted Bundy and Charles Manson don't seem to mirror the image that was portrayed in Split. Manson maybe. Makes for a more interesting movie I imagine. I dated a woman once that had multiple personality disorder, I swear, my friends called her Sybil.


    Enjoyed this one quite a bit.........but was disappointed with the morphing of the real character into the "beast" at the end. Thought it should have been kept in the real world. Although it could have just been the portrayal of the main characters interpretation of the beast. Either way, i would have rather seen things stay in the human realm lol


    And the very last scene of the movie went right over my head and really ended up ticking me off. I never saw the previous movie that it referenced

  13. Just perused their website.........looks like quality seam work and attention to detail otherwise. A little goofy on the color scheme for my taste, but if it proves to be good competition for the BIG 2 (simms and patagonia) then who cares. We shall see


    Didnt see anything about warranty, any info on that?

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