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Posts posted by blaque

  1. I can't offer any input on the korkers, but based on your description and on my own observances, if it where me I'd go with the smaller stud. I use a pan head metal screw in my boot soles, I pick them up at home hardware. They are on the smaller side from all the studs commercially available, and they do the job without being so aggressive. It has to be pretty icy, or the rocks need a pretty heavy layer of scum before I'm wishing I had an aggressive stud. I also don't worry about jumping into my truck with my boots on, or even into my tin boat during the earlier part of waterfowl season as they just don't damage things if your careful and they don't get caught on the pedals like some studs I've had before while driving. Just my uneducated, non korker owning opinion.

    This is kinda the way I'm thinking too, the aggressive stud seems almost too much. I won't be scaling ice cliffs lol..... I appreciate ur input

  2. Ive got the korkers metalhead boot with the omnitrax swappable soles. Im looking at a more winter friendly replacement sole and see they have 2 different studded options


    A "kling on studded sole" , which has smaller studs within a rubber grid pattern




    Regular studded soles which are monster studs mounted on flat rubber sole with no pattern


    Anyway..........not seeing any good feedback on the internets between the 2 and figured id see if any of the steelheaders here had either replacement sole and what the feedback is on either to help me make a decision


    The Regular studded soles look to be a bit much to me from the images on the net

  3. As far as advantages of kayak over canoe............I agree, the major reason i left the whole canoe thing is i had a heck of a time getting a canoe on top of the truck and launching solo, then hoisting it back on top of the truck at the end of the day. Hated driving the interstate with that monster on the roof also. The kayak, i whip right in the bed flat and tie it down. Also, the fishing platform designed kayaks are just sooooo stable,,,,,,,,,youd be hard pressed to roll one over. And i also cant take on water on the sit on top kayak, scupper plugs allow for any water taken on to drain out.



    And im also independant in the kayak when choosing where on the water to fish lol...........we all know that canoe partner that just doesnt know how to row, and never wants to fish the same water as you. No arguements on a kayak

  4. Its been pretty slow down here on the shouth shore of ontario around the pier heads so far. Thats been a theme for quite some time now actually. Of course , timing is everything.........but hitting that right time has become more difficult over the past few years for sure.


    I still plug away as i enjoy just taking a ride and launching some hardware around the estuaries..........

  5. Ive had the MX for a couple seasons now. Old pic, but i just finished up getting it equipped with a trolling motor. Cant wait to get it on the water under electric power :) :)


    I love it, it can be a tad heavy when launching solo in tricky spots , but nothing unbearable. Its most notable plus is its stability and comfortable layout. I can stand and fish pretty darn easily.


    My buddy just picked up the XL , which is the mani reason i added the motor to mine lol..........gotta keep up





  6. Irony........as i just had a moment this past weekend. I get a deja-vu moment once every few years or so. But when i do, they are quite vivid.


    This past instance was me driving with my nephew to hit the piers, he was telling me his work schedule for the upcoming week, i was looking at a flatbed trailer in front of us as he was telling me his work schedule, and it was as precise and accurate as could be to whatever i had thought i had experienced previously. (not sure im saying that right lol) Everything was repeatedly exactly, and i mean right down to the logo of a sticker i was looking at on the trailer. It lasted a few seconds, and then back to "real time" lol............I know this could not have actually happened before as my nephew just started his first job 2 weekd ago. Creepy!!


    Its one of those things that can get you feeling a little anxious in the moment but passes quickly (thank god)

  7. Im only commenting on this to get the "reply" count up and because you told me too in your rant post :angel:


    Obviously im kidding, me thinks that the most logical reason this will get less replies along with your other in depth reports is...................VIEWERS ARE SPEECHLESS!!


    Id say your a lucky dude, but really.......its probably 1% luck that allows you to do what your doing and 99% blood, sweat, tears and elbow grease

  8. Ya know its funny...........because ive never ever thought about your posts as anything other than recreational. AT ALL. Never even crossed my mind to wonder if they were put up for any type of personal gain. Theyve always come across as though youve just had the trip of your life, and you JUST HAD to share it with the guys, and It shines thru every time that you post. Keep on truckin

  9. Crazy, that whole big front on the radar dissipsated over Hamilton never made it this far, not a drop or a kaboom.


    Crazy is right..........I turned on my radar app and the time lapse showed the blob literally dissolving over a 50 minute span.

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