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Everything posted by blaque

  1. If fishing bags, just as you said.........thread the hook through or just under the knot of the bag. No egg loop is needed here If using chunks o' skein, thats where you'll more than likely want to start pretying egg loop leaders.
  2. I was hoping to come back to a feel good story........good for you Lunker
  3. Rock on, I agree. Sort of. lol What i think should be strictly a walk in service......or actually it should be call in only.........Is the gopher in the drive thru that is on an office coffee run with a LIST for him and his 11 co-workers. All 12 drink different coffees. Uhhhhhh ill have 1 double double........uhhhhhhh, ill have 1 with 1 cream and 1 sugar decaf, uhhhhhhhh, ill have one with 1 cream and 3 sugars, ill have 1 double double.............Sir you already said 1 double double, do you want 2 of them, uhhhhhhhh......wait what?? It becomes a "whos on first" skit
  4. I gotta say i dont get this disrespect for the cat. I mean, they leave you alone for the most part , they are low maintenance, they cripe in a sandbox and even cover it up. They dont go out frollicking in the mud and bring footprints through the house. They never stink like an old wet dog.......i could go on. But i dont understand it, it actually gets a little overboard at times. I once overheard a visitor at my home say that "this cat" (my cat) "better get away from me (actually he called her a little rat) or im gonna kick it thru a window". I promptly grabbed him by his collar and announced to him at very close quarters.....that if he lays a toenail on my animal, Ill be giving him a face wash in "the little rats" piss box. Apologies ensued
  5. Hey?, cats are people too, errrr..........wait a minute.
  6. so your ticked at the cat for being sick? im confused
  7. WOW, when you said orange..........i didnt know you meant ORANGE!!!!!!!!! Dude, thats definitely interesting..............that ive NEVER seen
  8. Thanks Mattitude lol, i knew that was from a song but couldnt jog my memory of what it was and it was killin me lol
  9. blaque

    Kiss Sucks

    VERY well said ChrisS LOL!. That being said however.........KISS's music still does nothing for me.
  10. Sorry , i should have noted.........i swiped that from the net, but have seen this coloration before.
  11. seriously though, ive seen them somewhat reddish orange
  12. Musta been a peacock bass
  13. I love the sherwood "hockey/travel" bag lol
  14. Just a couple pics from the weekend. A milestone fish as it is his first on top water Another Milestone as it is his PB Minifish Great rainbow to finish
  15. way to keep your finger on the pulse of the economy ford LOL Fear Of Recession? Dont think so
  16. Have the XLT supercrew 18" wheels......and im coming up on a need for tires. A little tip. Dont forget that free full size spare under the bed of the truck LOL. Ill be buying 3 and using the freebee underneath and having one of the old ones put back underneath as a spare.
  17. wow, of all those pics, that last one really shows the unique forces of a tornado. Silvio< thanks for that link. I hear of tornado warnings round the area from time to time........but ive always brushed them off as i didnt think they meant anything to that extent. I had no idea they could reach that severity in this part of the country. Wow......ill take these warnings much more seriously in the future.
  18. Dont tell them that,?!?! They gotta huff more so maybe they'll think those are actually coaster brookies (i kid, i have no clue what you guys are even talking about)
  19. Im not sure how "secure" I'd feel about the vicinity of those chompers
  20. Hey this is a family friendly forum
  21. Dont live north of the border, but very close.......i dont make it up a ton, but Fishin Niagara is where i go when i do. When ya buy a bunch, Ive had times where a free one or two have been kicked in And a free hat a time or two. Try that at a BPS or Gander Mountain. And try asking one of the BPS guys the latest trends out on the lake. Ya get blank stares or lines of general Bull just so they can hear themselves talk, or they regurgitate the local fishing hotline that they called before their shift lol. Talk to owners of small shops, they are genuinely interested in getting you into fish so you come back to their shop, not just a retail guy selling you something that isnt terribly interested in the stake of the company. I dont boycott the big box stores, they have their place in a pinch.......but im much more interested and look forward to visiting a shoppe over a gander.
  22. 1) Al Lindner 2)3) the rest of the lindner family 1)2)3) Any body of water with Wual-ice 1)2)3) Wual-ice
  23. This is a shining example that a post with only one fish in it can be one of the most entertaining , even on a fishing discussion board. That was awesome drifter
  24. Hey, we all live in North America..........that makes you an american as well
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