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Posts posted by blaque

  1. I like when he complicates things....... I learn from his complications haha


    I'll have to look but I think I was f8 on these. I snapped a few with a higher f-stop but bumped up the ISO to compensate and they were too grainy. I left the shutter at 1/200 cuz i was losing focus any slower. I will look it up though to see for sure cuz I took a bunch between manual, and different priorities

  2. I woulda gone with 2 as well


    We have a photo contest down here at our county fair every year that a couple buddies of mine enter every year..........its hilarious because its for bragging rights only but they go at it every year full throttle to beat each other out so they can shove it in each others faces and bust balls for the year lol

  3. To throw some different ones in there I love the Pfluger line. The president or premier are money.


    I love the shimano Sahara as well. All are well below your price point.


    I second the pfluegers.......when you need reels for a pier rod, catfish rod, walleye rod, inland trout rod, etc etc........oh and always need spares for bringing friends or relatives out that dont have equipment, .....how are guys spending 200 plus per reel? lol God Bless Ya

  4. Quit about 15 years ago, and thinking back it was pretty easy after the first few weeks or maybe it was the first few months lol


    I did have a smoke a couple years back on a fishing trip while sittin around the fire gabbin with the guys.......Dumbest thing i ever let a beer decide for me lol. Luckily , i actually didnt enjoy it at all and i dodged a big bullet there


    Bad part is i still have a chew habit, quit for 6 months last year and bought a bag for a fishing weekend that i thought i could just enjoy for a few days and drop again. Nope........back on it. Us tobacco addicts aint always the smartest fellows :)


    Ive also tried the cigar thing to get me thru the early stages temporarily.........all that turned into was a cigar habit lol

  5. I dont keep a ton of fish to eat........basically walleye only a couple times a year. Having said that, i was with a large group in the 1000 islands and everyone insisted we bring back some fish for "fry-day" and smallmouth were the target for the weekend so a buddy and I brought some back and cleaned them up for the group. All the while, kinda rolling our eyes as we cleaned these fish , after all these were not eyes' or perch we were about to put on their plates.


    So, later that evening......the smallmouth came out the fryer......and everyone was raving how delicious it was. Sure enough, i dug in and low and behold........it was freakin outstanding. Whoda thunk.....

  6. Golfed this week at Arrowhead in your neck of the woods with a few of your neighbours, even at US prices you can't beat that track. A comparable course in Niagara such as Legends is double the price. After getting beat up by the course and my cousins I should have gone fishin'.

    I'll be across the street at Rothland day after tomorrow for my league...... Playoffs are done but we've got some make up rounds to get in. Much more wide open than arrowhead, more my speed lol. Hope u enjoyed ur visit

  7. I don't like the RPX because it has reflex guides on the top half like the Loomis GLX and they all groove even with mono eventually. If you are on Facebook join the Riverrats classified ads for centerpin and fly fishing group. Many US rods are on this site. Since you hate 3 piece rods the RV9 wouldn't be for you.


    Thats some good info , thanks man



    Agreed about the busy designs. I see some of the saltwater rods being made and it's like they're trying to compete with NASCAR. I feel that a bigger statement is made by one or two classy accents rather than a rod covered in statement pieces.


    You guys get it lol

  9. I hear ya guys, it certainly is alot of dough.....it's what's keeping me from just snapping it up and giving it a spin.


    The whole custom thing, many of the results I see are WAY too busy in the cork and thread designs. I like monotone cork patterns and very bare bones wraps. Which I spose I could direct a builder to do. Along with a nice rich looking reel seat. Again the issue is time at this point.


    Ya ive got two other rods to fish..... So maybe I get by with the raven I have (but I hate it as it's a 3 piece) or the St Croix but it's a pretty weak rod (wild river) it does just fine on the cookie cutter fish off erie


    I just can't bring myself to put this beautiful new pin on an old rod haha

  10. Mr procrastinator over here (ya me) .........is looking to get into a new float rod and wouldnt ya know it, steelhead season is just around the corner.


    So, im looking at off the shelf rods as there is no way ill be able to get a custom built in time for the season.


    I dig the Raven RPX series and fished an IM8 over the years which did fine on Lake Erie and Ontario steelhead, warranty is great etc......looking at the RPX as there was a handful of times i felt i needed a little more backbone


    Anybody on the board here have any experience with the RPX specifically the 13ft 2 piece with fixed reel seat?


    Itll be paired with an EBA Calibre ll

  11. I am sure a lot of fishermen or boaters could say the same about kayakers and canoeists. Many take little to no precautions in the way of flags or lights, and then fish in front of busy ports or boat ramps, I have witnessed it personally numerous times now. I actually had to talk to a dude about it on a local reservoir parked a few hundred yards in front of the ramp in a green kayak at dusk with no lights or flag. It's easy to cast aspersions and sling names around but there are just as many offenders in both camps!


    Agreed.......Im a member of both/all camps as i have a canoe, a kayak, and a motorized boat so ive seen it all from all sides over the years. No argument from me on that


    I shake my head just as hard at the kayaker at night with no lights, or the overloaded canoe with no life vests, as I do the boater i hear going full clip under just the light of the moon


    Theres a ton of missing common sense out there from all angles

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