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Master of Bait

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Everything posted by Master of Bait

  1. Thanks for the nice reports.
  2. Great job - something about raptors everyone seems to love. Interesting and kind of mysterious I guess. Let us know how it turns out, I'd be interested to know what was wrong with it.
  3. Wow! Yet another fat euro-pike. Seems to me like there's a lot of bigger versions of our warm water species over there. The pike seem much bulkier, the perch are bigger all 'round and the zander are larger than our walleye on average. Any thoughts on the reason for this? My guess is some combination of genetics, prolonged growing season and possibly forage? Either way, whenever I get over there, I'm packin' my rod...
  4. Great job as always tip-up. Looks like a beauty day to have been out there.
  5. OFNCers, I was supposed to head up to Simcoe this past w/e with my father-in-law to ice fish but it got postponed to this coming Sunday. This'll definitely be my last kick at the ice can for the year and I hope to take back a few lunkers pre-stamped with grill marks, ending my first season of icefishing experimentation on a positive note. Sooooo...., in the spirit of consulting the pros, not-so-pros or just more-pros-than-me, I'd hoped to get a little feedback from you on where you would go if you were a relative novice like myself, without specifically giving up your honey of all honey holes... Appreciate your feedback. Excercise your right to vote! I promise to leave lots of them swimming and to come back with some pics (better posting technique this time than last)! Thanks!
  6. Cool...
  7. LOVE IT! Nothing like seeing how excited the little guy must've been getting up in the morning. Good job pops.
  8. Great report and pics. That pike must've put up quite the tussle!
  9. HOLY MOTHER OF LAKE TROUT! Must've been the one that got away from Clampet.... Nice to see there some beauts like that roaming the depths of Simcoe. I think I'm now convinced that I need to progress from perch next year...
  10. Super report. Really wish I'd made it out. Will definitely look to support this great cause next year.
  11. Steelies all winter - you guys rock! Beautiful fish yet again. CCMT, who needs a boat when you get that kind of action all year? Nice work.
  12. bad scene with the hut - nice fish though...
  13. Absolutely awesome basskicker! Can't think of a single thing that would be cooler than just driving, with no agenda, until you find the most pristine spot and just fish and enjoy for days. Great trip, great report, great pics.
  14. Absolutely beautiful! Looks like paradise.
  15. Beauty fish! Looks like it was a fun day. I think pops' laker takes the cake. Good work!
  16. DANG Clamp! Good read, great report. Too bad not to at least get a look at it! Still fun I'm sure... I'd be willing to bet it was a big northern too. Seen pics of some huge ones coming out of Simcoe. If I snag one with a hook in his mouth during my next trip I will dedicate it to you.
  17. Hey folks, Coupla pics added at the bottom of the original post. Still trying to "master" this effort - they're direct links to the fishing pics website. Will try to get better at this...
  18. Hey guys, Thanks very much for the help. I know I'll only have the opportunity to get out for several short periods as I am alone with the wife but I may sneak out on a charter if the price is right. This is great info for me. I'll make sure to post reports and pics when I get back!
  19. Awesome move MOM! Those kids must've been so happy! Can't put a value on that kind of quality time. School's great but I'm sure they learned twice as much out there than in the classroom for an afternoon...
  20. Great lookin' bass...
  21. Great work tip-up. Pretty consistent action out there for you on the Ottawa. You gotta know you're doing something right! Keep it going - enjoy the ice while it lasts...
  22. Hey xrap, If you're just up to scoot around for the day you should go for some perch as they are accessible within a short walk from shore and are readily available. Lots of areas to access the lake but parking is tricky. Most of the hut operators will let you park at their place for a fee and you can set out on foot from there. Tons of info on Simcoe within these pages so browse away and enjoy. As a novice I can tell you it's not too complicated. Good luck out there!
  23. Kemper - I'm with you on that one. Snag, you picked something truly special... It's inspired me to look for a new one myself...
  24. Great looking whitefish.
  25. HA! Sounds like a great tussle with the wind! Practice makes perfect. Then, when you get it fully worked out, you can patent it and let the less industrious types such as myself buy it at Bass Pro or Can Tire. Great read!
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