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Master of Bait

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Everything posted by Master of Bait

  1. Hi folks, Just sharing a few pics from a long weekend away - way up north. My pal and I drove to Wakami Lake PP using the Sultan Industrial Rd for the home stretch of the trip. What a road, what an amazing landscape. The sky is big and powerful there - it's humbling. The fishing on Wakami was actually a little tough. We worked for a few small walleye on our first day and several veterans were having to work hard for low numbers as well, so we threw in the towel and decided to fish for pike - went for easy fun fishing. Lots of fish but nothing huge, we had a couple of tough break offs, but we had a blast. Should've taken more pics. Explored some back lakes, enjoyed every minute of it. Looking forward to going again some time.
  2. Thanks for this, Chris. Really helpful info. I'm definitely looking forward to it. I've got a couple of lakes picked out to bushwhack to - we'll see if it happens! Anyone know where I might pick up an "Adventure Fishing Maps" style of fishing map for this lake? I don't have time to order it online some I'm looking for a retailer in the GTA. Cheers, MoB
  3. Hi all, Just looking for some advice - I'm heading to this park for some walleye fishing over the coming August long weekend. I've never been up that way and this is a rare opportunity for me to get away on my own (with a fishing buddy, but no kids) so I want to make the most of it. We'll be towing my tinny and strapping my friend's canoe to the roof, so we'll have those two options. I'd love to get your feedback on experiences at this lake. I'd also like to know if any of the nearby lakes (little Wakami, east Wakami, etc.) are worthwhile to portage into. It'd be nice to nab a big pike in addition to the walleye but I hear Wakami doesn't produce bruiser northerns. Also, can anyone tell me where I can get a basic fishing map of this lake (a bit last minute so I can't really order one online)? Much appreciated. MoB
  4. Awesome EHG. Can't say enough about that place. I did basically the exact same thing as you (tinny, down the bank, watching the weather, etc. - actually, even focused on the jointed shads as well!). I often found myself questioning my sanity out there - but then I'd hook into something huge and it all made sense. Here are a few pics. I'm leaving out my infamous "Atlantic" salmon from a few years back to ensure that debate does not rear its head again - HA! Thanks for sharing memories from a great fishing hole in the GTA. Cheers, MoB
  5. Thanks guys. I'm holding off until the winds are a little calmer. Will try to get out in the boat next week. Cheers, MoB
  6. Hi folks, I promised to take the nephew out for one last day of fishing on Friday (missing one day of school, but quality time, y'know?). I had planned on Pefferlaw perch due to the busy action, but the wind forecast looks ugly for my tin boat. Any recommendations on where we can connect with some fish from shore? I've heard of the Barrie docks, the beaver(?) river and a public dock on the west side of Cooks (near/south of Lefroy, I think). What are your thoughts on our chances of success in those locales at this time of year? Your input is much appreciated. Also, can GTA minnows be used in simcoe or do I buy them up there? I haven't used bait in a while. Many thanks in advance! MoB
  7. Hey Cudz, Tough luck - it's a wacky weather year, that's for sure. March was HOT, April was cool, and it's been a hot summer since then - so I expect some usual patterns are a bit out of whack. I only fished Simcoe once this year (July). Fished my usual spots, maybe a bit deeper, and did pretty well, hooking two 5+ hogs and numerous smaller fish, plus the standard jumbo perchies I always pick up when bass fishing. That's the only tip I can offer (fish deeper). Good luck out there. MoB
  8. I'm madly in love with my Ford Escape - V6. If it's an aluminum boat I'd say go for it.
  9. Thanks for the feedback Luke. I fished the same time frame, and although I got lucky with that bucket, it seemed the numerous boats around us were having a tough time as well. My guess is that, although the weather was nice, it was still a typical cold front type of situation. The change in barometric pressure seems to turn them off. Good luck on the big river!
  10. Hit the bog with a buddy yesterday (Monday) evening. Fishing was slow for the few hours we were out, but we did manage this nice largie, plus a few dinks. Just wondering how you guys (in Southern Ontario) interpret yesterday's weather. Temp had dropped several degrees from a high in the 30s to a high of 25C, blue bird skies. Do you approach fishing on a day like this like any other cold front? Anyone else fish on Monday? How'd you make out? I'm just curious about how fish respond to frontal patterns when the temps are still nice and warm. Cheers, MoB
  11. Hey gang, First fish post in a long time. I got out of work and hit Simcoe for a few hours the other day. I've fished it a bit over the years, but I haven't put in a ton of hours. Tried tubes and drop-shotting senkos rather than my usual cranks and spinner baits and was rewarded with larger fish than usual, including this 5.1 lb-er (I know, ho-hum on Simcoe, but big for me!). I also got broken off by a larger one. Fished alone - I gotta say I LOVE doing that. Having company is great, for the sake of company, but there's nothing like figuring things out on your own and fishing just the way you want. Anyway, tight lines all. MoB
  12. Hi folks, Just checking in to see if anyone has any leads on where I can pick up free (or cheap/wholesale) sand. I've seen a few ads on craigslist and kijiji but I was too late. Trying to fill a sandbox for my boy. Thanks, MoB
  13. Hey folks, Hoping everyone's summer is fish-filled and action-packed! I don't get out much anymore (baby) but have had a few outings under my belt thus far. Quick question for yas, with some fish pics to share below... Some friends and I are looking to get away for the weekend (next w/e). What I'd like is a lake that offers a boat launch (any quality is fine for my dinghy) as well as crown land camping. I've seen this on Wahwashkesh in the Parry sound area but am interested in the north Kawarthas/Apsley area - though I'm open to anywhere. Decent fishing for any of bass/pike/walleye/muskie would be great. Thanks for any suggestions. Now, pics... Family vacation to New Jersey beaches yielded loads of DIY baby sharks and a tasty skate (ray). Also got some flounder, no pics. Evening trip to scugog produced a hog LMB - spinner bait in the reeds. Cheers, MoB
  14. Nice tip DP - I like that strategy. So anyone know if there is open water near the Atherly Narrows that would be castable from shore? As you can see I am desperate here. Thanks, MoB
  15. Thanks NAW, Anyone think I can tread onto the ice near shore or is that madness? Not lugging gear or anything but I know it's quite early. Appreciate yer tips.
  16. Hey guys and gals, I'm weekending up near the narrows between these two lakes this coming weekend and was wondering if anyone could tell me where I might drop a line into some open water for some perchies - shore fishing, of course. Appreciate a tip if you got one. Cheers, MoB
  17. Thanks all - I'm super pumped. Anyone know if there are decent weedbeds for pike and bass in the area around Greening Bay? Cheers, MOB
  18. Hey gang, It's been almost a year since I've fished - we had our first baby five months ago, you know how it is... Anyway, my one reprieve is my annual tourney with the boys this weekend. It'll be our first trip to Nipissing (Greening Bay Cottages near Callander). Just looking for any helpful advice. Bass/Pike/Walleye are the quarry - length criteria so pike is the prime target if available. If you won't give up your hot spots I'll take any tips you might have for patterns this time of year. Appreciate any help you can offer. Cheers, MOB
  19. Hey weeds, My guess would'v been shear pin as that is exactly the symptom I had when I broke mine. If not that then I couldn't tell ya. Good job on the ski tho, not all was lost.
  20. Whoa, Thanks guys. And everyone had always told me it was really tricky, better not do it myself, etc. Well, now that you've all exposed my lack of technical skill, my manhood tells me I need to figure this thing out. So I'll give it a whirl, and if I'm successfull, I'll come on and give you the good news. If I'm not, I will go to CT, pay $130, and never talk about this again on this forum - HA! Thanks for the tips all. MoB
  21. Hi Folks, Can anyone point me towards someone who stocks bearings and can re-pack a wheel for me in the GTA while charging reasonable rates? The guy at CT on Saturday quoted me $130 for labor and other CTs I've been to haven't really seemed to exude confidence in knowing how to handle these. If anyone can recommend someone who does this and charges reasonable rates near Toronto that would really help me. Thanks, MoB
  22. Hey guys, Thanks a lot for the tips! I hit the Welland river near highway 24 but got skunked (watched a guy nail a 9 lber on Boyle though, nice!). On my way out to Wellandport I realized how close I was to Dunnville so checked that out too. Tried the dam then further south but nothin doin. It was a tough day, cold and windy - but it was my first fish of '09 - so worth every minute. Thanks again for the help. Tight lines. MoB
  23. Hey folks, I'm shore-bound in Welland and have a few hours to kill tomorrow. Any suggestions? I'd like to go after channel cats in the Welland river if I can but I'm not sure of any decent locations. Alternatively, I'd try the Niagara for Steelhead but I think it would be jammed on weekends. Also, it poured rain today so water clarity could be affected tomorrow? Anyways, appreciate any areas you good folk might suggest. Cheers, MoB
  24. Thanks guys.
  25. Awesome Jt - that's just what I was looking for, thanks. I'm sure my manual auger with dull blades will be a real peach on 17-18 inches of ice! 2 more quick q's: I'm on foot - is it a long walk? Can I buy bait in Port Perry around 7-8pm or should I go earlier? Thanks again, MoB
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