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Posts posted by fishnsled

  1. I emailed a buddy of mine who is a bit of a collector and this was his reply.


    The reel looks to be a general float/mooching reel of the Hardy Longstone type, it does not seem to be of high quality though. Sorry, I don't know who the maker would have been.



    Not much help I suppose but an avenue to explore. Ties in with Floatman55's British Centerpin theory as well.

  2. I have come up on a car that was parked on the road, there were no brake lights or flashers on the car and it took my brain a while to catch on that something wasn't right, first I thought it was just going slower , by the time I figured it out I did not have time to stop and ran on the shoulder to not crash, then came to a stop..the car behind me did the same thing

    your brain just does not expect a car with no brake lights to be stopped on the road


    I can see that happening, I might have the same reaction as it would be the last thing you might expect to see. A buddy of mine was in that situation and hit the car. He was charged for following to closely. I guess we all need to expect the unexpected.

  3. When getting a snapshot of the entire story in an news article, it is really difficult to make any decision without knowing all the evidence. The jury has seen this and with respect to our legal system, which is not perfect and has it's flaws, you have to leave it in their hands. Depending out the out come, I would expect an appeal would be launched.


    She was at fault for what she did but the motorcycle driver only slowed down about 8kph before impact.


    Mr. Beaudet, the final Crown witness, said Mr. Roy was going between 113 and 129 kilometres an hour at the moment he applied his brakes. The investigator said Mr. Roy managed to slow down to between 105 and 121 km/h at the time of impact.



    One would think that the motorcycle driver was distracted in some way. I would think that this was brought up at the trail at some point. I doubt very much she would get the maximum sentence but what she deserves, I don't know.


    In the end it will not right the wrong and bring the father and daughter back. A tragic event for all parties.

  4. Just let me know when you are going next and I'll text earlier in the day. I sure that's what did it. I wonder if that works when you are in the boat with me? Will have to try that on the weekend. :D Great to see you ended up with a few fish, nicely done.

  5. Thanks again to all who responded...

    We bought a 2011 Flex yesterday. We will be picking it up on Thursday and are pretty excited.

    It'll be nice for me to have a radio, gas gauge, rear wiper, fuel economy, smoother ride... I could go on! Although my Jimmy has served us for the better part of 18 years, I have to admit that the last couple of years has been something of an adventure! As one become intimate over time with a vehicle, you start to get a feel for what is right what's wrong. Hoping to not have to "get that feeling" again, for some time to come.



    Congrats! Who cares about the radio, gas gauge, rear wiper... :blahblah1::blahblah1::blahblah1: Most importantly, does it have a hitch? :D

  6. This election shows that the seemingly impossible is possible. The leafs winning the cup now is possible.



    Well if that was the point of this election, I'm OK with that. Now what year will that be when the Leafs win? Before the next provincial election? :)


    Pretty much agree with the latest comments. It just blows my mind how the people voted for such a corrupt party last night. I will accept the out come and by more lube, going to be bent over a lot in the next 4 years I'm afraid. You might be right Joe and well see them start slicing jobs and programs too. Something has to be done to get the budget under control. Higher taxes are looming I'd say.

  7. I'll bet this election has more declines than ever seen before.


    That would not surprise me at all.


    I've voted and have my right to complain till the next election. It would not surprise me if people toss their votes at the last minute to the NDP as they did with Bob Rae. People certainly must be done with the Liberals (for now) and for those afraid of the PC platform, how will they vote? Perhaps not at all, will be interesting to see what kind of turn out we have.

  8. I'm at a loss with all the "leaders" and have no trust in any of them. What is the lesser of the evils? Who knows but the time has come to kick the Liberals out on their :asshat:. It boggles my mind though to hear that the polls are leaning towards a majority government for Kate. What the fudge are people thinking in even considering a party like that with their track record??!! I'm scratching my head on that one and holding out hope that people will come to their senses at the polls tomorrow.


    Again a minority coalition keeps the game on track-----checks and balances---it has to work or it will implode---unfortunately if it does not happen-----same thing--different day-


    With things so close, a minority government might be our best option for now as I just don't trust any of them with all their empty promises. You can be guaranteed that if the Liberals lose, whoever wins will claim things to be much worse then what the Fiberals were telling us. They will also state that they will be unable to keep the promises made during the campaign until the financial mess is dealt with first. Happens every time it seems with a change in power.


    In answer to the OP's question, I haven't changed my mind.

  9. Fantastic news and report!!! Just amazing the efforts of all to make it such a great weekend for Sean, the smile says it all! You rock Simon!! As the time comes and his condition is improving, check out an electric reel for him and a harness to assist in holding the rod. You are probably way ahead of me on this anyways. ;) Just a terrific story and thanks for the update. :good:

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