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Posts posted by fishnsled

  1. Nice job on the report Cliff.


    A great time as always, lots of laughs, tons of food and the fishing wasn't too bad either, enough to keep the interest up.. The campfire was a real treat this trip, really enjoyed that Bernie. Looking forward to the next trip already! Need to see if we can update Joe's sheephead pic. LOL!


    Rubin??? Rubin who?? :P You were missed Rubin, we needed someone to sweep up. :D Until the next trip gentlemen!


    EDIT - That is friggin' hilarious Mike!!! :rofl2: (and true.) :lol: Hope you're feeling better soon, you really deserve it with your behaviour this past weekend. More importantly, I hope that Bernie, Joe and I don't get it.


    I have one of these as well.cheap, easy to install, and is on it's 3rd season with no signs of wear. Picked mine up locally at West Marine. Just follow the instructions and remember to remove it when not in use. Should only be hooked up when trolling, not when running down the lake.

  3. I can see how this would work quite well and not too bulky. A line counter on your reel would give you a general idea of depth or marking the "ball" on the fishfinder would allow you to see if you are in the "zone". Could mount a line counter on the "rigger", would not need a heavy ball either. What are you using for release clips? A stacker clip might be a good option a couple of feet above the weight. Does this mount in front of you or behind you in the canoe? Might be concerned about the "rigger line" getting caught in the electric motor while trolling along. (nay need a longer "boom" to help keep it away from the motor) Would be nice to see some pics of it rigged on the boat.


    It is a cool idea!

  4. And drink lots of fluids.

    I find I cramp up way more if I neglect the fluids.


    As many have said above, hydrate yourself - and not with alcohol. :( I've heard that bananas help as well but do we really want bananas in the boat? :D I use to get them really bad and found I wasn't drinking nearly enough. I couldn't tell you the last time I had one just by increasing my water intake.

  5. Excellent report Ryan!! Happy to hear the Fish-A-Thon did well again this year! Looks like life is treating the family well...except for Luke perhaps and his motion sickness. Hopefully he gets over that. I know that I use to have that problem. Cars and boats were not good to me when I was little. Big boats and rough water continued for along time. Couldn't tell you the last time it was an issue though but it's not pleasant. Thanks for the report!

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