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Posts posted by fishnsled

  1. Underwater shots are amazing, but I especially love this one!!



    Really looking forward to finally getting out on the water with you tomorrow!


    X2 Hopefully getting the tape out a few times tomorrow, you need to get the dust off of it Mike. :) It will be a great day regardless I'm sure. B)

  2. I had something similar going on with my motor this spring. (running at WOT the motor would cut out intermittently and then run OK) Cliff took a video and we sent it to Bernie and his first thoughts were a possible coil going. (Actually started my last trip last fall and thought it might be plugs. Put new ones in this spring and the problem was still there.)


    I was fortunate enough to be going to Bernie's soon after this and he brought out his timing strobe and we went for a ride. After checking all the wires/coils the problem was on all of them. He started moving the wires on the motor around and found pushing them one way and all was good but when pulling them the opposite the motor would act up. Went back to the dock and he found a terminal had broke with 3 wires going into it. He saved as much of the wire as he could and put on a new terminal, bolted it back onto the motor and that was all it was. Been out a few times since and the motor has run perfectly. Could be as simple as a bad wire somewhere, maybe a coil.


    Take some video your next time out and show that to your repair guy if it is still acting up. If you have someone with you on the next trip, take the cowling off and go for a ride and do the wire wiggle test and see if that gives you some answers. Better yet, check all your wiring before you head out. My broken connection was a bit hidden.

  3. Oh yeah we are booked for the weekend camping and can't wait for it. Just three more weekends to go.

    For the early birds we have donated something extea this year but only 200 or so better get there early.


    We are going to be doing a very small auction again this time it's a trip from will and a trip from myself. My wife and I wanted to do a big one but things just did not work out. A big thanks to Will for donating his fishing trip I will post details later.


    You're welcome Mike! Happy to help out.

  4. I see no reason why they won't catch a fish. :good:B) Get out there and give us a field tested report. ;)


    Edit - I see what you're saying BFW. In this link the end of the line comes out the bottom and in the image it is cut, in Brian's case it would go to the second hook. It appears to come off the top of your hook B and may give it some weird action. :dunno: I've never made my own and certainly no expert.



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