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Posts posted by fishnsled

  1. A healthy looking yote. Could make for a Wylie moment in a week or two when that ice thins out. :D I hope that no one looses a pet while they are in the area. I had one (at least) of them in my neighbourhood last summer. I never saw it but one of the neighbours thought it was a wolf as the thing was so big, biggest he's ever seen. Head topped the hood of his truck is what he said. Seems to be a greater population of them in recent years in the suburbs.

  2. Finally getting a chance to get caught up here. Nice report Brian, thanks for putting it together. It was a great weekend as always and greatly appreciate the invite Bernie. Thank you for allowing us to enjoy your piece of paradise. :)


    The fishing and weather could have been better but the company and laughs sure made up for it. Till the next time!

  3. Our group of sledders had a cottage booked for the family day weekend (Friday to Monday). We received an email saying that there was a propane leak and the furnace failed, busted pipes just a mess for them and no way to have it repaired and ready for us in a weeks time.


    So we are looking for a cottage or something that can accommodate 8 guys. Main purpose of the weekend is to be on the trails but wouldn't minded dropping a line and fishing as well. At this late point in the game we are not too picky as things are booked up pretty good right now. Anything with in a 3 hour drive or so of Toronto is the area we are looking, prefer the Bancroft area but like I said, not to picky at this point.


    Suggestions of any place is greatly appreciated. Must have cooking facilities.





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