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Posts posted by fishnsled

  1. Thanks Costa, but that's too far for me to drive just to get it sharpened, I think ill just buy new ones from around here. Thanks again. :clapping:


    I'd get a new set and ship the old ones to Rocky's for sharpening and have a spare set on hand. I would imagine the turn around would be pretty quick on these. Might be worth a phone call and or email with the pic to get his opinion.

  2. They should all be locked up for that crap !!! That is disgusting !!!! ..... Yup should never be allowed to fish or hunt ever again !!!!! Ever....asshats




    $72,500 in fines..


    I wonder... What does a 2 year covert investigation cost in ressources??!!


    That's awefull...


    I'd guess a hell of a lot more than the fines that were given. Good on them for doing their jobs and catching them.

  3. I know of a person without power for 17 days. The complaint from them was not about who is accountable, but how many of these tree removal services became crooks by jacking their prices through the roof and taking advantage of a situation. Pretty sad. They finally found a company that kept some sense about themselves and were still doing the work at a fair price. Nice to know that there are some decent people out there, certainly lots of them here.


    I think this ice storm was an eye opener for many. We've been told many times that we should have an emergency supply kit on hand and a plan in place if you have to evacuate. I wonder how many have this in place? I know that I could be better prepared for a grab and go situation. I think T-Bone covered it pretty well too. Look out for yourself, your family and friends.


    A good time for all of us to review this.



  4. Thanks for the input everyone. I have to admit I like the convenience of the automatic unit, peace of mind for when I'm not around. A friend of mines mother has one of Generac automatic units and has never had a problem with it. Good to hear you are happy with yours Lew. Good point about getting gas if the power is out Cliff. Many stations were closed with the ice storm and certainly when we had the big blackout a few years back. Will make a few calls and get some pricing and go from there. Thanks again.

  5. Having an elder living with me and do to some health issues it would be nice to have power given any circumstance. Is anyone generator better than the next? Looking at a unit that would allow for heating in the winter, AC in the summer, lights, charge batteries for night time lighting and not having to run the generator, Things to consider would be noise and fuel consumption. Thinking portable but not ruling out an automatic gas back up system. Any personal experiences with either? Thanks for your input.

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