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About Bob

  • Birthday 10/05/1945

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    Elliot Lake

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  1. I don't fish a lot of different lakes but I have a 14 foot smokercraft with a 15 hp Merc that's pretty good for the smaller lakes around here and I have a 20 ft Sylvan pontoon with a 75 Yammy 4 stroke that would make you think you're fishing off your sofa for the bigger lakes with better ramps. Has rod holders and live well and I'm thinking riggers for this season. Don't know that I need anything more.
  2. Thank you. Always willing to help a fellow angler. Been fishing this area for approximately 35 years and I love to see people catch good fish. I've taken folks out to catch their pb or even first of a species and I get as big a kick out of that as catching them myself.
  3. Lots of places. Easiest to access is the boardwalk at the boat launch on Elliot Lake. Bass, pike and panfish. Small docks on Horne Lake just down from the miner's monument. Bass, pike and rainbow trout. What days will you be here? Perhaps I could help you in person. Number is 705 849 5240. Give me a shout.
  4. I just recently started riding again, Sportster 1200 custom, and I would have to say that proportionally, bikers are no worse than car drivers. There are idiots all over. I opted for the sportster so that I might have a chance, being an old guy, to put it back on it's feet if I ever lay it down. Didn't think I'd be able to do that with a road king.
  5. Yeah, the scout was theirs too. I almost bought one back in the day. I started to feel really old when my eldest son turned 50 in April.
  6. First time I saw one of those i started scratching my head trying to remember what that thing reminded me of. Dawned on me yesterday. Looks a lot like International Harvester's Travelall station wagon from about 1972 or 73. Anyone else remember them?
  7. If the fellow had a valid fishing license, he has the right to catch and keep that turtle for the pot. Season and limit is in the hunting regs for turtles and bullfrogs but your fishing license is required. WMUs 2 to 45 have an all year open season on the turtles and possession limit is two. Not saying it's right to take them when they're nesting but it is what it is. Snapping turtle is tasty.
  8. You may find this hard to believe but back in the day, (40 years ago maybe) 3lb perch were not that rare. This is before smelt infested Simcoe. When the smelts got there, lake trout started feeding on them instead of perch and the perch got overpopulated and became stunted. Back then, nobody even thought about a world record perch. What? It's a panfish. Do they keep records for them even? Funny today but I actually saw a perch pulled onto the wharf at Beaverton that touched over four pounds. Not by me but the guy next to me and just after I had pulled one in at 3 1/2. Just at iceout in the spring. You may not believe this but I was there and I don't care.
  9. Quite a bit of lake between Whitefish and Spanish. There are 3 launches in Spanish and I believe several between there and Whitefish. I've never checked the launches at Whitefish because I'm way at the other end. In Spanish, you have the municipal marina, Mitchell's and Vance's, all decent. What are you looking to fish for?
  10. Never heard of chain pickerel being caught in Ontario, just grass and redfin.
  11. Maybe grass pickerel? Oops, didn't read all the posts first. We used to catch lots of them east of Toronto many years ago and called them grass pike. There are a couple of pickerel species residing in southern Ontario and most folks don't even realise it.
  12. I'm not too far from there but don't usually travel up that way for fish, there are too many closer to home. I'm in Elliot Lake. Check your regs though, bass doesn't open until the 28th.
  13. Merry Christmas to all and I wish you all a perfect New Year.
  14. I lived on that system for some years and my sister is general manager at a popular tourist camp on the system. I never heard of anyone taking a sturgeon there and as stated above, it could be an old picture and maybe they were legal at the time. Below the dam that forms Dollars Lake, it wouldn't surprise me to find a sturgeon but I never heard tell of them above the dam. I did catch my first bowfin in that system but quite a piece upstream from Dollars. No obstacles so I would assume they're all over in there.
  15. I was told at the Service Canada office here that they don't handle boat registry anymore. They suggested I just do it online. Worked ok but I did have the paper for it. Maybe we're too far in the boonies here. As was said above, less than 10 hp doesn't require registration numbers.
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