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Hi All,


This summer i finally got my hands on a fly rod, and have been out on the river as much as i can. Only thing is that i don't know enough to really start seeing the fish I would like to. I grew up fishing in georgian bay so fishing a river is entirely new to me but it has been a blast so far.


I would really appreciate some help on learning how to work a river and pull more fish out then fingerling carp and the odd smallmouth. I am from waterloo but i have a car so i do not mind driving anywhere to meet up with you. I am interested in any kind of fish that you are I am also very flexible on time with essentially thursday through sunday off so i could meet any time. I would love to learn more about steelhead and trout in the rivers mainly as i have never caught one only seen them caught.


I would appreciate any advice even on where to go or what to use as my knowledge is low but i will trek down the river as long as needed.


Thanks so much,

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