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Quad tires ??


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When putting on Quad tires on the rims there is an arrow showing the right rotation of the tires. I heard that if you want mud tires to be better in the snow that you mount the tires on the other side. So instead of pushing the mud out of under the tires it pushes snow under the tires and it gives you a better chance of not getting stuck.

Has anybody tried that?? Because with the amount of snow on the ground now and probably more to come we might need all the help we can get.

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I do it with my Mudlite XTR's.. I can't say it it really helps going through more snow, but what I did notice was that I can back out easier once I did get stuck.


The biggest thing when going through deep snow (8"+) is momentum.. Once you loose it, your done.. Towing a trailer or hitting slush quickly reduces momentum.


Also, by turning the tires backwards, you are using the other side of the lug as the leading wear edge, thus slightly increasing the life of your tires.. Mud guys will tell you, once the edge of the lug goes from a square edge to round, the tire is not as effective.


Another tip: lower the air pressure to increase your footprint.. 2-3psi is plenty for snow travel

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