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I was thinking of heading down to the teesewater this upcoming weekend and was just wondering if the river has any resident trout of any kind? or mostly just panfish and smallies. I will be fishing the river in the paisley area. thanks in advance :)


tight lines, Eric


I also heard that upstream from paisley has resident browns on the main saugeen if anybody could confirm this it would be greatly apriciated! Feel free to pm me if u dont feel comfortable posting intel on a public forum! :)


Fish on, Eric


If you do some google searches you're likely to find some useful information to start with.


Look up what water conditions browns prefer, ie. water temps, etc. Then try to find out what the temperature of the water might be around where you're thinking of going. Some Government sites offer up to date water conditions. Best part of catching nice residents is finding them!


Good luck, we look forward to reading about your experience if you get out on the water this coming weekend!


Given the water temps you may want to think about fishing for something other than trout. Not only will you likely kill any fish you catch due to stress, they also won't be actively feeding at these temps so the fishing will be slow. Probably have more fun bothering the bass and pans.

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