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So after being stuck in bed for the past few days with a mixture of the flu and strep throat i decided to get out for some fishing today. I figured all the popular spots would be crowded so me and a buddy went to a less popular section of a very popular creek. For the first hour or so all we got were suckers until i landed the first steelie of the day on a live worm under a float. Nothing to big around 5 pounds. After fishing a few more spots and getting nothing but suckers I hooked into another steelie, around 6 pounds. After fishing that spot a big longer I hooked up with what i though was just a creek chub or shiner, but it turned out to be a nice little brookie around 7 inches long, unfortunately it unhooked itself as i was reeling it in so i still to this day have not officially caught a brook trout lol After fishing for another hour or so and getting nothing in return we were about to call it a day until my float dropped and my reel started screaming! At first i thought it was a monster chromer but it turned out to be my first ever carp, and a big one too at least 15 pounds. Sorry for not having any pics my phone died within minutes of my first cast of the day LOL Hope everyone had a good opener and the crowds werent that bad.


tight lines

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