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A couple friends and I are going to camp over the weekend at Bronte Creek, is there anything in there right now? Are there still any small mouth bass? I suppose there would be some resident browns, but they seem kind of hard to catch for a newbie like me... Would I have better luck by the pier?




A couple friends and I are going to camp over the weekend at Bronte Creek, is there anything in there right now? Are there still any small mouth bass? I suppose there would be some resident browns, but they seem kind of hard to catch for a newbie like me... Would I have better luck by the pier?





It really depends on the location of the creek, if you're up near the headwaters, there may be some resident trout kicking around. Further downstream near the lake, you'll mostly find warm water fish. There may be a few salmon kicking around at the pier after dark. Try throwing some glow in the dark spoons off the pier.








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