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As the fall season and lots of great fishing is upon us ... please be on the look out for any tagged bass from Simcoe or Cooch. There should be two tags- between the dorsal fins. Look closely at each bass you catch...


PLEASE NOTE: Tags will have two numbers each ... an MNR phone number on one side and a unique tag # on the other. There will likely be algae covering the tags and unless you scrape away with pen knife- you won't be able to read the numbers. Suggest you don't use a fllet knife for this ... results in severe trauma and costly therapy for bass (and we have no money for this part of the research project):)

Please bring pencil and paper to record all numbers from both tags - as well as size, approx location (eg northeast side of lake) date caught, condition of fish and if released.


Although we had lots of tag returns for year 2 and 3 - recap numbers have dropped off of late - despite the fact that there's over 1,000 bass tagged out there. This is the 5th year of the Aurora Bassmasters Lake Simcoe Bass tagging Research project and the more recaps we can get, the more will be learned about this great fishery. Even better of course if you release the bass after recording the data ... so the fish can continue to be part of this project.



Wil Wegman

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