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Damn tresspassers


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There may have been a day where the shoot first ask questions later clause may of been exeptable practice but in this day and age where even owning a non restricted gun is being challenged by the law by tight regestration conformances it would be very wise to keep the guns away safe until hunting season....

I was taught never to point a gun at something unless you were prepared to kill it so even thinking of bringing a weapon out to intimidate or using it to coerce another human being into doing something against there will to me is strictly out of the question no matter what the cause. If you have issues with trespassers you call the police or like stated here talk to the individuals that are trespassing.

As a law abiding gun owner I don't like to here this kind of thing happening because no good can become of it. Accidents happen when guns are handled unsafely and it would be sad to here of some young kid getting shot and killed over trespassing......


I personally think enough has been said about this and perhaps lessons learned.....Hope everyone has a happy and safe Christmas...


Cheers !!!

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