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My wife actually went out & bought herself a pair of waders, of her own volition. They're not what I'd have recommended but they were cheap so it doesn't matter. There may be hope for us becoming a fishing tandem yet. Now, if only I knew something to teach her about fishing.



Wow buy a lottery ticket today.

If they're calling for stormy weather don't venture outside, you'll be struck by lightning.


Whadyamean they? Yer the weather prognosticator. Is you is or is you ain't calling fer lightning?


As for the lottery ticket, I'm still waiting for her to drop the other shoe. I don't for a minute think there's no quid pro quo involved here. I'm thinking it's the new dwelling she's got her eye on. When our house sold sorta overnight we decided to take our time about finding another place and just rented a nice little condo for the interim. We've barely been in it a month and she's been out scouting other bigger better units to buy.


I'm not even sure I want to live in what amounts to an apartment, albeit a nice one, for the foreseeable future. She hasn't experienced the nasty smell of my drying felt bottom boots and waders in the storage room downstairs. The other folks can't be too impressed with my smelly locker unit.


I've told her that if we go condo now I want a cottage too. She'll let me know soon what is best for me I'm sure. :P


Uhoh. She just stuck her head in to say that she's moving all the money from the house sale to her account. Her excuse is that it pays better interest. Sounds like I may have decided the condo is best. Hope I'm making the right decision.



Uhoh. She just stuck her head in to say that she's moving all the money from the house sale to her account.


Uh-oh! Make sure that you're not left with only a rented condo and pair of undersized hip-waders that you can't use. :D j/k

Uh-oh! Make sure that you're not left with only a rented condo and pair of undersized hip-waders that you can't use. :D j/k


Well, at least I'll get the storage cage cuz she has no idea where it is or how to get into it.



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