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Firstly let me say that I cannot thank you all enough for all of your support during this whole bylaw license issue. Honestly it is truly overwelming, and we hate to ask something else of you. All of your support is amazing but now our license HAS BEEN REVOKED. The letters of support you have sent to us have been wonderful but now we need you to send them to the people that need to hear them. Namely the Norfolk County mayor and councillors. We ask that you be respectful as this fight is not with the people that complained as much as it is with the people who issued the permit to begin with. Feel free to be honest but we want your letter to reflect the kind of people we know you are .... YOU GUYS ROCK !! We are working on a appeal with the County and we need them to know how much you, the voting public and our valued customers disagree with their decision. If you want Nautidogs in Long Point then here are the email addresses we need you to send your comments to now:


[email protected]


and to the councillor for Long Point:


[email protected]


thanks so much for your support, we really feel like we are all in this together. thanks so much to the residents of Longpoint for their support also.

Jimmy and Stef .....there are no words to relay our gratitude.


wish us luck !!!

Sinns and Nautifish (Steve and Tracy)

Nautidog's of Longpoint ....not just another hotdog ...one worth fighting for !!!!

I'm puttin on the hotdog costume and I'm off to do battle !!! :stretcher:

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Norfolk County : Despite Closure, Hot Dog Stand Gaining Steam

Posted by Adam Liefl



Norfolk County Councillor John Hunt is the target of a letter writting campaign looking to keep the "Nautidog" in Long Point open. Locals upset with the closure of the hot dog stand have started writing letters to Hunt in hopes of getting him to change a bylaw which has forced the stand to close after five weeks in business. Hunt told CD 98.9 he has invited owner Tracy Bennett to come to council to make a deputation to have the bylaw changed, but a change in the bylaw would require a majority vote by council members.



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