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Waterfowl, Lighthouse, and Sunset


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The weather here today was crystal clear....no more fog......no rain......no snow....just awesome weather. So this morning I headed to a place I haven't been in a while, the Reifel Migratory Bird Sanctuary, to photograph some waterfowl. I wanted flight shots but man were they ever hard to get. Finally I started to learn their patterns and was able to predict where they would be landing but I still didn't get as many flight shots as I was hoping for.





female Mallard playing peek-a-boo



female Mallard



drake Mallard



drake Mallard coming in for an icy landing



After coming home and reviewing the pics from this morning, I was off to Lighthouse Park. If any of you remember my photos from a while back, there were quite a few of Lighthouse Park. But I haven't been in a long time and had a few ideas I wanted to try out......one of those ideas was slow shutter speed. This meant hanging around until the sun had set but I think it was worth it.








And I started off this weekend with a sunrise picture so it was only fitting to end it with a sunset photo. Now I'm not sure who these 2 people in the photo are but without them this photo wouldn't have happened so I would like to publicly thank them, even though I doubt they will see this. I did however thank them in person and told them to drop me an email and I would send them the photo file in thanks to them unknowingly being part of my photo......




thanks for lookin

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