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  • Birthday 07/01/1954

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  1. Cabela's started the construction,then pulled the plug. BassPro took over the site. Cabela's would have been way better. I was all ready to do the trek from Mississauga when it opened . It really bummed me out when they pulled the plug.
  2. I started out using wire setups like yours in the late sixties on Lake Joseph. Great to get your lure down to 65-80 FOW. You really have to be aware of any kinks and straighten them out right away. I eventually changed over to a braided line similar to downrigger wire but in the 60# class made by Mason . Then I moved onto downriggers. With the single strand, the only knot possible is to feed your line through the snap a couple of times ,then twist the loose end around the main line. Another good idea would be to use a gibbs rudder blade in front of your mono leader. Gang troll were the way to go when wire lining.
  3. Hey Misfish. It must have been one short Portage to carry that big boat along with the main engine,a kicker and a bow mount. Way to go. Congratulations.
  4. Looks like an offspring from the Toilet creature from the X-Files.
  5. Cabela's doen't even show it on their map anymore as a future new store. Here's a link to a news report about Bass Pro going in. http://www.fishingworld.com/News/Read.php?ArtID=000022284
  6. LOL....I think you meant Fugawi,not Fujiyama.
  7. Very nice report. I can see myself in the background in a few of your pictures. I drove right by your truck on the way into the cottage.
  8. That picture of the two women and the story are two years old. There must be a new report. Sharks are very common in that area. In fact there was a National Geographic special a few weeks ago about this area. I think it was about Arctic Sharks or Ice Sharks...something like that.
  9. Some very great advise . Thank you very much. I'll start researching some of those reels.
  10. That's great. Thanks. Funny thing is ,I have a 6500C3 in my arsenal. I guess I'll have check it out tonight....LOL. Haven't used it in a few years.
  11. Made it my Licence plate in the 80's. Used it as a C.B. handle,now it's my internet handle everywhere. Fishing sites,cribbage sites,poker sites..etc.etc.etc. Oh yah......RHYBAK is a Ukrainian work that mean Fisherman.
  12. Could I please get some feed back from all the musky experts. I'm in the market for a casting reel and I don't want to spend over 400 on a Shimano Calcutta 400 TE. I am looking at the St. Croix Avid300,The Daiwa LUNA300 and the Calcutta 400CT. Any remarks or other suggestions would be greatly appreciated
  13. Scugog is closed right now.
  14. To me it also looked like there was no longer an extended fall Rainbow season on the Bighead?????
  15. Their shipping is usually quick but I heard there is a backlog delay at the border with all of the e-bay and phone purchases that are being made recently with our rising dollar. Just another thing to consider.
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