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Everything posted by Nycflyangler

  1. "Can't deal with Communists rationally." Sure you can. Using about 15 meters of rope works well.
  2. I was waiting for the swimming squirrel to get hit.
  3. I use some no name brand gel spun polypropylene fishing line I got a few years back at Sports Authority for backing. It came in a variety of test weights. I used 60lb test. Probably stronger than the fly line itself. The test didn't seem to affect the diameter from what I could see in the package. It was chartreuse yellow/green. $20 a spool. For like 250-300 yards. I used the whole spool on a large arbor reel and added practically nothing to it's diameter. Plenty of room for the line and leader on the spool. I nail knotted it to the fly line. Then soaked it in with cyanoacrylate adhesive.
  4. What an imbecile. Clearly flunked basic physics somewhere. He could have easily found himself in the water with his boat heading off by itself in another direction. Depending on the people who you just rammed to fish you out and save you is not a good fall back plan. That might not be forthcoming. They could have easily just motored off and pretended they didn't see you.
  5. Don't know about terrible. The poodle's pretty cute.
  6. Gee, I'd be careful what I eat, if I were you. My friend's girlfriend has a Pomeranian. She lives in Tampa and gets pissed off at me when I refer to it as gator bait. Women just have no sense of humor. By the way, the Pomeranian has a storied military history. In 1807 the during the siege of Kolberg, the Germans sent wave upon wave of snarling little orange dogs out of the city to attack the French and piddle on Napoleon's boots. ;-)
  7. Nothing wrong with liking ducklings. They are cute. Unfortunately, they're also the ultimate dry fly. Makes the green drake look pathetic. Here's another duckling link for you. It actually doesn't get eaten. http://www.feathersite.com/Poultry/NDG/Ducks/Robert.html
  8. For the guys who tricked their wives into believing they were going to be using ducklings for bait. Pass this video on to the old balls and chains. They should get a kick out of it.
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