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Everything posted by Curtis

  1. 2r's it only seems short because ur scared of a little frost bite Im probably working on about hole number 2000 through the ice so far lmao although i wish there was a ft of it not 2ft
  2. Hey Garry, are the big girls moving up onto their beds yet?
  3. The mnr has stopped posting stocking lists for lakes as far as i can tell.. I know i can get them at the office i just wondered if anyone knows where i can get them online? thks
  4. Great post Garry... This may sound stupid but i think i figured out a way around the wild days and no fishing issue. Just find a girl who loves fishing too
  5. I diss agree with it being a bad idea. But i dont disagree with not buying an adapter make your own.. All i did was cut three inches of the bottomw of my handle off at the first notch no one uses them set that high.. Then i took a socket extention cut off the big part and had it welded onto the small piece of the handle. You need a high priced drill or its a waste of time cheaper ones wont cut it.. I can get about 25 holes out of three batteries.. Thats with 12" ice - I see you have lithium batteries thats what i use.. Cant beat them. I have been banging the idea around my head of plugging the inverter into the quad and running it with a power drill
  6. ok so, i just finally pealed my tounge back up off the floor.. lol nice fish!
  7. Ya nice to see some perch ontop of the ice lol. The only ones i have seen have been on the screen of my underwater camera Thanks for the report..
  8. Thats a pretty nice buck i have only seen moose swimming never deer thanks that was cool..
  9. Its all about the Challenge for me.. Cant for get the addiction part too, cause im deff addicted to fishing! it was said earlier and its similar with me i have to be addicted to something and fishing fits in quite well.
  10. Ice fishing brookies is my fav. There is something about fishing 3-5ft of water with your head down the hole watchin a brookie circle your bait. Dosen't get any better.. Are there any natural brookie lakes left? Other than nipigon ect.. Where i fish up in haliburton im pretty sure everything is put and take no naturals.
  11. Actually guys i wasn't going to fork out money for them. I was thinkin of making my own kinda thing.. I have a bunch of burlap i was thinkin of makin something up because the lake i live on has nothing in deep water for structure its like a bath tub. And the fish are out in 20ft of water but they are everywhere not holding to any particular spot..
  12. this is an interesting topic.. My dad owns a 2009 one ton dually 6.6 duramax. Its a great truck and so far no problems with the motor only simple things like door locks and such which gm also wouldn't warranty. Cheap parts from over sea's are the issue here, he has owned new gm trucks for the pas 15 years and never had this problem. Other than that the truck is great crazy power especially with the programmer. It jumped it from 360-460hp the thing is wild now it will smoke all six tires.. Anyways what i am getting at is did this guy add a programmer by any chance cause that would deff void the warranty hands down. You have to be carefull with them and always de program the truck before you take it in for service at your dealership. If he failed to do this the dealership and ford would be aware of it. And by the way anyone can program their truck its just plug and play.. So i'm thinking your buddy could have done this...
  13. ya ya lol just because im young and can drill holes all day dosen't mean i want to i will stick with my cordless drill..
  14. Serious isn't the issue money is lol I tend to spend all my money on more tackle... I only fish crappies and perch right now, when i move up to eyes i will have to change it up to power augers.. Whats a good gas auger worth?
  15. Artificial weeds.. Looks interesting, seen them on in fishermen...
  16. lol i dont mind drilling them by hand its just the volume of holes i drill its nothing for me to punch 50 a day.. I am very mobile when it comes to ice fishing... Must be the bass angler coming out of me during the hard water season...
  17. Hey guys i am just wondering what your preferences are for hand augers. I have the old blue style sweed bore 5" it works great but could i do better? I recently made an adapter for it so i can run it with my 18volt drill, never thought it would work this good . Im just thinking something better would help make my batteries go further right now i can drill about 20holes without a recharge of my batteries. I dont know about you guys but 20 holes just dont cut it if your out for more than a few hrs.
  18. well said..
  19. lol nice going i have yet to catch one through the ice, i have enough trouble catching walleye in open water.. Probably has more to do with the fact that i target them maybe three times a year.. lol
  20. How much ice is down there. My lake has almost a ft but i doubt you have that much..
  21. Right now walmart has virgins for 48.99 and they come with a $50 dollar card.. go figure.. lol so basicly u are buying $50 worth of time and getting the phone for free.. I plan on getting one today, i only buy basic phones cause they tend to get broken. My last one lasted a week.. lol
  22. to be honest im thinking i am going to make a a bucktail out his tail i already have a fox taill dried out i just need 2rs to makes it back to Ontario so he can make them up for me.... And i could write a whole list of problems about why to many coyotes is an issue.. Just think about how much you love your cat.. lol
  23. hey guys had an interesting morning that sparked my interest in predator hunting for coyotes.. This morning dad spoted one a field over from our house and i proceded to call and got him to come right into the back yard.. Anyways i shot my first coyote and it got me thinking that maybe i should start actualy targeting them.. God knows there is enough of them around...
  24. My biggest goal is to learn a new lake this summer i have my eyes set on lake seymour ie. trent river.. I also want to perfect my drop shotting techniques, i have the largemouth on lock but still cant dial in on smallmouth over 12".. As for more things i can not wait to get out searching for crappies on rice and chemong.. My ice fishing goal this year is to catch more fish with artificial than live or dead bait... CT
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