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Everything posted by mirogak

  1. - by the bridge - Bay2
  2. I agree with Mike. I would have chosen Fri but Sat is my second choice.
  3. Me and a couple of buddies went on a canoe trip with 2 small portages but long paddles. Only two of us fished. My technique is a culmination of almost 2 years of failed trolling efforts, observations, research and consultations with other anglers (including a retired marine biologist in the park). I basically troll really slow with a LOT of line out with a spoon. That's it. Other factors to consider: how much line you let out (I have a colored trolling line, I let out x colors) depths you're fishing - i like to fish between 30 to 40 foot depths trolling speed, real slow -> this will determine how deep your spoon sinks depth of your spoon - it needs to be in the thermocline of course, we all know, structure and time of day helps too I don't use night crawlers, it affects the spoon's action Spoon colors - yellowish/greenish, bronze, black with silver dots That's it. Miro
  4. Hahaha. Though that before procrastination gets the better of me, I post this while it's fresh. I hope to add more to it. I totally agree.
  5. And I portaged.
  6. Chris, I was fishing 30 feet spots. Miro
  7. Been a while since I have posted a report. Actually it has been quite a while since I have done some real fishing as well. This year I hadn't been to my favourite park for some real fishing, so I decided to go the weekend after Labour Day. What a great decision to not go on a long weekend. Peace, tranquility, scenery, fishing was just great. Below are some pics. I was targetting Specks using this new technique but I ended up with lakers. Hey, I don't mind. I love trout. I actually thought I had specks until I fillet two for dinner, at which point I looked for the signs - forked tails vs square tail, and the worm like markings versus the halo spots. Ofcourse, how could i forget that beautiful Speck I caught a couple years back. Anyhow, was there for the weekend. Hooked 8 fish on two tries, landed 7, kept 2 for dinner. Peace out, hope you all had a great summer. Miro
  8. I would have loved to as well Brad, but being a weekday
  9. Awesome report buddy ... my mouth is watering. I am going next weekend. Quick question : did you attach night crawlers to your spoons? What colors/patterns worked best? Miro
  10. Algonquin Park waters melting fast http://www.algonquinpark.on.ca/news/ice-out.php Got an email that Benoir Lake, Elephant Lake area lakes have melted
  11. Bill, what's your best source of satellite images?
  12. Was looking forward to your Brookie reports ... love your fish pics man .... keep'em coming
  13. I can see the hammock, I can see the water, where is the fish Brad?
  14. Impressive indeed ... good on you ... wish my wife could go interior with me ....
  15. Nice report - I, myself, am due for a trip in ... can't wait.... enough with the backyard projects, am sick of it.
  16. and I am stuck in an office in front of a monitor ... oh wow at least I got OFC posts to get my fix ... good for you Dan.
  17. Hello gang, Stuck in week long meetings in New Tecumseth, ON on Highway 89 which is just south west of Barrie. I brought my two rods (and waders) and was hoping to get out for an evening or morning of fishing opportunity. There is a river here, Nottawasaga, and was thinking about fishing it. Any access points around here or local spots? It'll make my work trip that much more bearable. Not looking for your secret spots. If you like, you can PM me. Thanks, Miro
  18. Might I add ... my "TROPHY" Speckled Trout. hahaha .... This one will stick with me
  19. No way dudes!!!! I respect your experience and opinion here on this thread BUT FOR ME it was MY BROOKIE .. lol Thx for reading.
  20. Only lakers, smallies and brookies are present in this river that is fed by a lake. Will PM you.
  21. Yes Brad, it is haunting but it puts a smile on my face every time I think of it. To be honest, it revived my fly fishing spirit since I hadn't really caught much with the fly rod, but now its back on. Furthermore, you know this river and this spot very well. And you'd agree it was THE God of Fish.
  22. Forgot to mention. That's a piece of heaven right there. Great fish, nice report, and beautiful pics.
  23. That's what I am thinking too Brad. Think its gonna be a fall trip for me. So where was this place? Some island in Thunder Bay with a Privy sign nearby. Lol, I'll be on the lookout.
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