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Skipper D

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Everything posted by Skipper D

  1. Thank you for the read , I don't think we'll be talking about fishing for a while Brian because i wont be coming by til fishing seasons over first .....
  2. Nice catch you guys .........
  3. LOL................. Ijust came thru the door , we did'nt do to bad fora late after noon of fishing , no count yet but i think about 35 or so perch. To my surprize when i was ready to leave for the water the wife came home from shopping and asked if i want her to come along , and guess who caught the biggest fish , she suprizes me all the time that girl , and ways we had a good time together out there , time to go make those babies ready for the pan right after we finish our supper pizza .
  4. Like i said for the three thirty oclock fish feeding i am ready to go , boats hook up and trucks running , thouht i better ask if there was any one wanting to get out for the rest of the day that dose'nt have a boat and can meet up with me at the tiffin boat launch , i'll wait for five more minutes for a response then i am out of here ................................
  5. We could be if you like and were to adopt us Roy .
  6. All good answers Brian from the above that are simple to check .
  7. Ijust checked the Barrie bay web cam and the bay is full of fishing boats .The windfinder.com says it a good day to be out fishing . Am headed out to the shop then to get the boat ready for the three oclock fish feeding , You need a lift Brian ?
  8. Its up set that your the only one who ever gets the Tims Brian ....lol , sounds like maybe the fuel pump is starting to let go .
  9. Musta had ya there for a minute ......lol
  10. Very informative Wayne , Billy Billy Byou what will you do ................
  11. I've crossed all your family names before Paul , they all ring a bell . So You can imagine whats going thru my head then while i am motoring across the Simcoe on a bad weather day and i am the only boat out there ...lol , its not nuts but more like bring on the high sea's and the rougher it is the more the genetics come thru ..................... Thank you Paul , you also made my day .
  12. Lets hear it CCMT .
  13. I hear the Quinte is the place to be , maybe one day i'll have to take the boat after visiting my Mom in Kingston or maybe before...lol..lol .
  14. There were no cottages in our family , but my grand father in your town had the contract to remove the sinders from the cotton mill back in the good old days , sinders are whats left over from the coal furnace's that were used to run the factory . I spent many hours with him in his dump truck growing up delivering them to build the drive ways into many of the cottages along the St Lawrence . many many trips we made back and fourth for years on the number two hiway with my head out the window watching for boats and people fishing and of course meeting the cottagers all along the water . To me back then the Banks of the St Lawrence was the best place in the world but we all were forbidden in our family to go ner the water , the reason being that shortly after the construction of the new Dam an aunt of mine in 1958 and her boy friend both eight teen years old drowned while out for an afternoon swim and were found not far from the base of the dam , i was to younge at the time to remember it happening and i always had a hard time staying away from the water . as a kid .... lol . Thanks for reading it Mike .
  15. I know there are many other threads on here far more interesting to read but for now this will have to be my contribution til i learn how to tell about the one that got away when the battery was dead in the camera . Thank you for reading .
  16. And still the diehards keep coming , i never knew so many were out at that time of year doing what i was thinking of doing . Hi fives to all of you .
  17. Ever ask your self where did my love for fishing come from . First i did and if you read the story in my profile "About me " then you will under stand when i say , the love for the water and fishing was there before then left me after being chastised by my parents for what i did on that day . Life went on after that but unlike yours i learned to forget about wanting to fish . Now today some fifty years later its back to the point where i am just unable to get enough and its like i need to make up for lost time . So its back but where did it come from , is it because when i became of age i could not wait to have a mermaid tatooed to my fore arm and a boat anchor to my other , the only tatoos i have but no i was born next to the water alright but raised to far inland for that to be of any reason . Maybe it had some thing to do with my grand father because as far back as i can remember he always wore a captains hat and thats how we remember him til this day . Once in my youth i ask him , why do you wear a hat like that and he laughed saying i don't know then not having an answer said guess i just like them . Again no reason with him because he feared the water and would never go near it . No body in the family back then fished as they were all afraid of the water . My father for years now has bought and sold boats and theres no way you could ever get him to get in one . Another brother of mine collects model ships of every kind along with painted art of the things and he dose'nt fish or want to own a boat . Well i found where mine comes from , and where you might ask . I' that my love for boats and fish'n comes from my genes , thats right the hole time in my genes and no one in the family could have told you until i discovered it by doing our family tree . This i done as a hobbie thru the winter months and finished it this past spring after many years of searching . What i discovered was that my direct fore father fifteen generations back came to Canada in 1650 from a fishing village off the coast of France to get rich in the fur trade . He then in 1653 married a daughter of Abraham Martin in Quebec city . If you don't know your history and have'nt a clue who Abraham was i'd like to fill you in . Being my maternal grandfather over some four hundred and eight years ago Abraham worked as a pilot of the kings ships of France to which a captain was known as back then and today is honerd in the Quebec Marine Museam as the first white person to sail and map as well as fish comercially the St Lawrence River . He also was a very close friend of the founder of this country and for his service to him and the King of France was given a plot of land some two hundred acres and this land still carries his name today to which we know as the Plains of Abraham just to the west of the old Quebec city . Well theres my story , my love for the water and fishing as you can now see comes from my genes . I am proud to share it with all of you and i thank you for reading it and hope one day i can measuer up . PS. sorry for the spelling mistakes Roy . Skipper "D" at your Service .
  18. And all the best from over this way as well , enjoy ...................
  19. MY last post was for Misfish .... lol . Any ways i can still remember those days of standing at a dock some where watching people heading out to fish in their boats and wishing some one would ask me if i'd like to go . I am game , you can count on me, i'll take you . If your slightly you might want to get totaly BEFORE......LOL .
  20. I guess you'll have to wait til i get the story wrote to find out Ron ....................... Ron ..lol .
  21. You don't fart all the time do you ?.... lol...lol...lol...lol..lol .
  22. Dose any body know this guy , should i or should'nt i ? , is he messy when in a boat , would he talk the hole time we are out there if i take him , will he wine that he want to go home when i am just starting to get into it , can he do twelve hour out there , o'o' dose he know where all the good fishing spots are ? Some body tell me .
  23. and then......... lol .
  24. LOL ...How bad could a story about boats and fishing be ? Any ways i better get to work and heres hopeing for a good weather fishing week end for every one .
  25. you guys just don't give up , very serious bunch ...LOL , I LIKE THE PLOW TRUCK AT THE LAUNCH !
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