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Everything posted by scottyswing

  1. Was at a local Conservation lake that has a variety of good fish. There is however a big sign as you go in that tells you the limit of each fish you can take home. (I'm sure you know where I'm talking about) Pike for instance, you are allowed to take two fish from the water. The other day, while day fishing i watched two old guys take 6-7 pike EACH. When i asked him about it, he said he was told pike are a problem and are eating all the baby bass. He's not MNR though. So I'm not sure if i should be a little bit more of a dick next time i see it. Would any of you say something? Or is it just the way it goes. I've read on here that the size of pike in the water has been on the decline, and i assume the over fishing doesn't help. Just want to know if i should point it out to people that the limit is two for a reason.
  2. The Simpsons Called It: Three Eyed Fish Caught Outside a Nuclear Power Plant Fishermen in Córdoba, Argentina caught a three-eyed wolf fish in a reservoir fed by a local nuclear power plant, which will surely hinder the plant's owner's attempt to run for local office. The fishermen say their discovery, which actually bears no resemblance to Blinky the three-eyed fish from The Simpsons, has begun to worry local residents who live near the reactor. And instead of feasting on their catch, and presumably gaining superpowers from its probable high levels of radiation, the men have decided to let it be tested to see if the mutation was actually a result of it being exposed to the water from the nuclear plant. After that they plan to have it embalmed for posterity, or sell it to Fox as a promotional item for their long running, and eerily prophetic, animated series.
  3. I've never been so happy.
  4. Did it look like this? If so, I'd eat it, maybe you'll become an X-Men?
  5. The first fishing trip i would go on is to the new lake i just purchased a cottage on in the Muskokas with my winnings.
  6. I just watched "The One Armed Bandit", a one armed MuayThai fighter beat the crap out of a guy with two arms... http://pacificpalisades.patch.com/articles/humby-scores-first-round-knockout You can find the video if you live in the states, but it's blocked for us canadian watchers... Crazy
  7. I have the same reel. It does get loose rather quick, but when you throw it a few times you'll see that it doesn't matter. Gets the bait out there in a hurry and backlash is uncommon.
  8. Have Twitter and follow that leafs chick? hahaha
  9. Aren't Bulldogs the best!? Lola is 8 months old, and my first Bully. I don't think I'll live a day in my life without one now. Another is soon on his way as i think they are even more fun when they have a friend or two. So glad to hear Winston went with you near. Always comforting to know you were there till the end. And he was surely grateful for your love. Lots of happy dog days ahead for you friend
  10. Puppies make everything better!!!!
  11. Puppies make everything better!!!!
  12. Always hard I couldn't imagine losing my little bulldog.
  13. Hide your photocopier!
  14. http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/blogpost/post/hurricane-irene-photo-of-shark-swimming-in-street-is-fake/2011/08/26/gIQABHAvfJ_blog.html
  15. I got this the day after the Hurricane from a friend. Turns out its a fake though. Could you imagine?
  16. Pay the $5 and enter the park, you can walk %40 of the shoreline of the lake. I was there Saturday morning at 7 and landed 3 pike, two hammers, one good size and 3 bass, one GREAT smallie all before 10. Well worth the money.
  17. Just downloaded this app. Tmrw looks awesome!
  18. Quite the duo of good lookers!
  19. So, a friend and I have been trying to research how barometric pressure effects bass fishing. Seems everyone has their own opinion and none of it is scientifically backed up. We looked for scientific journals to see if any real research has been done in the area and have very little. Some say rising and moderately high pressure seems to be the best, where as others think degrading pressure right before a storm insights a feeding frenzy. Where do you stand on the subject? Any research you can find or personal experiences? And no, answering dawn or dusk won't satisfy the question
  20. Thanks, doesn't look like they have all that much for the lake i am looking for, but i signed up and found a couple that I can use (y)(y)(y)
  21. Screen shots!!!!
  22. Still congrats to your son, a job directly involved with his hobby is always a plus plus plus!!
  23. I was underwhelmed with the selection at the Sail store i went to. BPS is pretty awesome, but I'm still a strong supported of Gagnon's, a smaller single owner store. Not like the "box store" mentality of BPS. Not to mention the people working there are incredibly helpful. If you haven't been yet, check Gagnon's out!!
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