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Everything posted by nuke

  1. Hey Bill, what are your views on Troutfitters in Fergus? Mike
  2. I live in Waterloo and work in Cambridge. I like both Natural and Rainbow, but find myself going to Tall Tales in Cambridge for live bait in the winter months (shiners). Natural used to have minnows before they expanded, but I don't beleive they do noe (correct me if I'm wrong). Once again, great service at all three places. Mike
  3. Anyone know what's going on with the Lake Simcoe message board ? Thanks.
  4. Nice fish ! I never would have thought about hitting the tribs at this time of year. Before reading reading your post, I saw some steelie action on the river in Ajax south of the big 4 (trying not to give the exact location !). Streamers seem to work. Mike
  5. Maybe the ones Randy got are "new and improved " !!!! Mike
  6. Hey Randy, I've seen those rods before in the ads of a fishing magazine. They look pretty cool. I think they also came with their own reels (also sold seperately). I'll send you a PM the next time I'm in the Sturge, I'd like to check them out. As for dude with the duty picture, classy............ I hope the "chipstand grub" has been good to you !! I hear it has no trans-fats !! haha Later buddy, Mike
  7. Hey TBB, as a matter of fact, photobucket is one of the sites being "websensed" by the company's net nanny. I think they frown uppon web personal storage media. Thanks for your reply though, Nuke
  8. Computer gurus out there, why can't I view pictures on my work computer when they are placed between text on the threads ? If they are sent out as attachments, no problem, in with text, jack squat ! I tried playing with the internet options with no luck. Even went back to default settings with low security, nothing doin'. Any help would be very much appreciated. Nuke
  9. Long May weekend, and from shore, my guess is they were silver bass.
  10. nuke


    Hey, what's the water flow and level like at the Legion ? Have the silvers moved up yet ? I'll be in town this weekend. Hate to go up on long weekends though. Hope the weather is crap, then you only have to contend with the few die-hards. Later, Mike
  11. Well, good for her, I guess. Now I feel bad for jumping to conclusions ! Man, my just acquired double-double is awesome. Wish I had a timbit though !! Nuke
  12. I think the age for a young offender needs to be re-considered. What is it now 17? Maybe should be 14. Even a 13 year old considers himself an adult (or know-it-all) that is, of course, until he gets caught by the gents d'armes ! I'm sure once they look at the world through iron bars, they all turn into young innocent children ! What kind of parents do these kids have ? They must learn this punk-donkey attitude from somewhere ! Makes my blood boil. Nuke
  13. Good thing that wasn't Chuck Norris' boat !!! Nuke
  14. Seems to me that this is the straw that broke the camel's back. Perhaps this was strike three for the employee ? Maybe I'm wrong, but there may be more to the story. What if the child had an allergic reaction to an ingredient in the bit ? I know the child's mother decided to accept the free offering, but the blame would probably shift to the person's hand behind the counter wearing the uniform. If it was her first no-no, then the firing is a bit harsh. Let her just pay the $ 0.16 and get on with their lives. Peace, Nuke
  15. nuke


    Thanks Marko. Were you by the train trussle ? I usually hunt browns in Fergus. I thought the water level would have gone down by now. I'll wait a week. Thanks again, Nuke
  16. nuke


    Hey, anyone hit the Grand River for browns yet ? Thinking of throwing some flies this week. Thanks, Nuke
  17. Here's a couple of fine specimens from last spring. Nuke
  18. Randy, I was fishing that particular spot last spring (long May weekend I believe) and they were there by the thousands as usual (suprized I didn't see you there) I guess you can fish there before June 1st because of the area being north of the CPR bridge. The only major problem I encountered was the rudeness of the non-local fishermen (you know what I mean). Once they left town on Monday, it was like the good old days again. I will be up there again this long weekend. Maybe see you there. nuke
  19. Wondering if anyone has tried their luck in Banister Lake yet this spring ? Tahanks, nuke
  20. NICE !!
  21. Cool pictures. Remember killing the pickeral down below that house by the Sturgeon Lodge. Well at least before the house was sold to new owners which took care of that. So close to open water still freaks me out, 21" or not. I guess it's safe to assume what species you're catchin ? Later dude.
  22. When I was in Sturgeon Falls in February, I noticed a few huts set up just south of Champlain bridge. Are these people insane ?? There is open (flowing) water less than 75 yards away !! The fishing must be spectacular to brave that location. Call me overcautious, but wouldn't the ice thickness be unpredictable on a day to day basis ? Peace, Nuke
  23. Randy, PM sent.
  24. TJ, if you graduated in '82, according to Dano, you started grade 9 in '72 ! Wow, your commitment and perseverance is overwhelming ! I graduated from Northern in '86, followed by 3 years at Cambrian.
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