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Everything posted by Jigs

  1. Thanks Terry, appreciate it. If I have two 12 volts in series, can I connect the solar panel to them while I'm fishing? If so how exactly?
  2. From what I know, and correct me if I'm wrong, but with a parallel connection you basically beef up your 12 volt battery. Giving a higher Amperes per hour outpout. That's two batteries connected negative to negative and positive to positive. With a series connection you turn 2 12 volts into 1 24 volt battery. That's two batteries connected positive to negative. You can use 2 12 volts in parallel to run say a 12 volt motor but don't use 2 12 volts in series for a 12 volt motor or you can fry it. At least that's my basic understanding. Like Angler M said there are videos on youtube that explain this. You can also do a google image search for diagrams and such.
  3. Thanks for the advice guys. Will let you know Ironmaker. Greg, to be honest I didn't even know those existed. Very interesting.... That one is for 12 volt systems. I'll see if I can find one for 24 volts. Sounds to me like that is the way to go if it works.
  4. Thanks. I think it might come with a charge controller actually. I also think based on what I've seen that it won't charge 2 12 volt batteries in series but would in parallel. The difference being that the output is 24volts in series but still 12 volts in parallel. So basically I think I might need a 24 volt solar panel. I'll check what Princess Auto has. Thanks again.
  5. What brand is that if you don't mind me asking?
  6. Hello everyone, I'm going up North in a few weeks and I'll be 25kms away from the nearest power source. I would like to find a way to keep my 12V batteries charged that doesn't involve running a portable generator for 6hrs every night. I am looking at the amorphous 20W solar panel they have at Canadian tire and I'm wondering if anyone here has ever had experience using them. (or a similar one). I plan on leaving it connected all day while fishing because I understand they won't charge a dead battery but do more of a maintaining power job. The catch is that I have a 24 volt system for my trolling motor. So 2 12 volts connected to each other. Does that mean I need 2 of these? Or can I charge both batteries simultaneously with 1 of these solar panels? How would I connect them to the system while fishing? Is that doable? Just wondering if anyone around here has used these before and whether they have info about the 24volt system problem. As is now, I always disconnect my batteries and charge them all separately with their own smart charger. Many thanks, Jigs.
  7. I've been getting fish on jigs too Mike. Up on the big lake. Not anywhere near those numbers, but a bit better size. Averaging 2-4lbs. A fish here and there type-thing. After having my butt handed to me in that tournament I went out the very next day and fished hard and tried everything I could think of and I came across a pretty good jig bite. After digging into it more the next weekend I was able to duplicate it in 3-4 spots up there. I am finding no fish in spots where they usually are this time of year and finding some where I wouldn't even normally try to fish. Live and learn eh. This type of fish. Not huge, but lots of fun on a jig and I have to say a very pleasant and needed (for my wrist) break from trolling. Because I have a console my wrist isn't in a natural position when trolling so I have to be careful not to develop carpel tunnel or something. I did start catching fish on the horizontal too, but had to go a bit deeper and fish peak hours. Mind you, I had to skip last weekend because of the weather so this was two weekends ago. Might be different now and there's heat on its way so...
  8. Weird. I saw one (or what was left of it) in the Channel last year around St-Anicet. I think it was around Mid May as well. Saw it from a hundred feet away and went and took a closer look. Pretty bloated and nasty looking.
  9. Crazy! I had no idea there were lake trout around here. Nice fish!
  10. I actually like his show. He focuses a bit more on technique than other shows do. I met him on the French River last year too. Nice guy.
  11. I usually tend to stay away from political discussion online, but I have to say I am really impressed with the quality with which ManitouBass2 has presented his points in this thread and it encouraged me to share some thoughts. I agree wholeheartedly with him. As a hunter and fisherman and as someone who is deeply concerned about the endless pit that is Industry growth and bill C-45 among others I have to say I am favourable to the Idle no more movement. I also think that the disappearance of Traditional Native Culture and in particular that of Ecological Knowledge that has been passed down from generations over thousands of years is a loss not only to them but to all Canadians. Their connection to the land and water and their devotion to protect it is something I have always admired. To see that disappear, I think, would be a shame for everyone not only to Indigenous people. I do support and understand the need for Economic growth and job creation, however I think the balance is skewed and it is an illusion to think that its rewards go back to the people. In my opinion that growth profits big-wigs in Industry and government more than it does the average Joe. I also empathize with those who's routine was disrupted by the protests, but unfortunately to get your point across in today's world you need to make some sort of small impact. I would never however, condone violent protesting of any kind. I have to say in this case, they have my support because I am concerned about the government's attempt to revoke laws that protect Natural Resources in this country and I am concerned about the disappearance of traditional Native culture. My two cents anyway.
  12. I'm not sure I'd even walk on that river right now. Let alone bring a ski-doo out there. Even last year when I went out on it or drove by on the bridge I was surprised at how far out from the mouth some guys would go. A little too close to open water for my tastes. And it's not exactly shallow there either.
  13. Yikes. That's why I decided to stay off the Raisin last weekend.
  14. A teacher I had back in high school built rods and offered to build one with me once. It really helped solidify my passion for the sport. Seeing this brings back memories and makes me appreciate what he did. I have that rod still too.
  15. A few years ago I thought to myself, we bleed any animal we eat, why not fish? So I tried hanging a walleye I'd kept upside down and I cut its gills. Three things I noticed. First cleaning the fish was really neat, no blood, second the meat was completely free of blood, and tasted better (sweeter) and third, the fish died very quickly. They bleed out real quick if you hang 'em upside down. To this day I bleed all the fish I keep. In the summer when the water is warm I keep them alive until I get to the dock and do it. In the Spring and Fall when the water is really cold I just bleed them straight in the livewell. It just makes filleting a breeze and a clean job.
  16. Nice fish. I think I'm going to have to find a new place to keep my boat in the winter. It's in my backyard and snowed in. Mind you now it's just slush and wet grass. Still, can't get to it. With this weather becoming the norm, I don't want to be stuck without access to my boat anymore. Those fish must've been real tasty in that cold water.
  17. Wow that's pretty crazy. During the pike tournament last spring I was casting spoons and caught a musky. He broke me off. I wasn't too happy because that spoon was working really well. About 20 minutes later I made another pass in that spot and caught him again, and got my spoon back.
  18. Thanks, great stuff. If you decide to upgrade and that 8 ends up looking for a new home let me know. It would look pretty good on my Lund. And I like the idea of the tiller/extension. Never heard of the control king thing until now. Looks like a pretty cool gadget.
  19. Yeah, most of my trolling is 2-3 mph in the summer. I slow down as the water cools. If I do start musky fishing regularly I'll just troll with the big engine. It won't put up a fuss as those speeds. Speaking of which, I had the carb adjustments made today on the big engine and changed the spark plugs. It trolled like a charm and didn't stall on me once. Still would like to get a kicker for safety though. By the way, just saw you heading out as I was heading in to the dock. I couldn't feel my hands anymore so I called it a day. I thought to myself, man, Mike is crazy. Hope you got a big one tonight.
  20. Thanks again guys.
  21. Rated for a 75. Beam is 84'', not sure about depth. Edit: Depth is 36.5 inches.
  22. Good stuff. Thanks. This sounds close to my setup. Great advice about the connector rod too. What's the model of your Lund if you don't mind me asking? I'm thinking mine might be quite a bit lighter even if only 9 inches shorter.
  23. At about 60lbs something like this would be perfect. I'd just hate to buy it and find out it's not strong enough.
  24. Thanks for all the answers guys! Yeah it's a lot for that boat but I rarely open it up and it handles it quite nice. I got a really good deal on it. Brand new engine. I used to have a 75 Opti on it until it died. I actually like the 90 2-stroke better for handling etc because it's about 100lbs lighter. It runs amazing at higher speeds. The only problem is that it doesn't idle well and keeps stalling on me. I'm sure there is carb adjustments I could do to get it to idle better, but I also want a kicker for safety reasons. I was really hoping not to have to go to a 9.9. Seems like it would be really heavy.
  25. 90HP 2-stroke Doesn't like to troll.
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