Hi folks, just thought I'd share my first report before hitting the hay and going back to reality (work) tomorrow morning. The fishing was tough for me this weekend with the exception of Saturday morning where I did fairly well. I caught about 8 walleyes and a pike that morning with one of the walleyes just over 6. The rest were anywhere from 1.5 to 3lbs. The fishing was better for me in the morning than evenings this weekend, which is usually the opposite and I was pretty much skunked in the heat of the day except for a fish here and there. One thing's for sure, it beat being at work or at home on the couch.
Anyway, here are some of the highlights (I included a smallish pike because they're rare now where we fish). Sorry about the pics not being the greatest it's hard when you're alone in the boat and pounded by a steady west wind. Just ask Mercman and Musky Mike about that wind on Saturday.
And a Jigs post wouldn't be complete without........Release videos! These are still very raw I'll do something more fun with them some other time when it's not 12:30am ha ha.
Hope everyone had a great time on the water. Cheers, Jigs