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Everything posted by newb09

  1. Great Report...I love the shot of the kids.
  2. Thank gents for your input. I sounds like my warping wasn't done properly, I m going to order a tip top that matches my current guides, using tip top sounds like a better Idea.
  3. Thanks Dave for the reply.. I forgot to mention an important detail. the (tip) guide I used was the same as the second guide. So, it was my warping/glue that failed. Will your suggestion apply to what I did?
  4. The first (tip)Guide came off while I was out fishing. I built this rod myself. It was my third rod I build so far. but 1st time this happened to me..I am not sure what I did wrong. Is there anything I should have done to avoid the guide coming loose. Thanks for any suggestion. Regards
  5. The amount of harvested fish in the river is nothing compared to the massacre that is taking place on the lake. Why is that? the only explanation that I can think of is "Money talk"..if it makes money, it is allowed. It's Disgusting, isn't it?
  6. :rofl2::rofl2::rofl2:
  7. Good to know.. Thanks Bill! Do sheet metal ones rust?
  8. I need theme on my wading Simms boots. I think they grip better in the river as the aluminum is softer then Stainless.
  9. Can we find the same size screws in aluminum?
  10. Great Movie!! I liked most of Pacino's Movies.
  11. Good job man. I m just curious, how long would it take to make a hole with a tool like that.?
  12. Good job!..I like the rappala bonus
  13. Thanks everyone for all the encouraging feed-back. I know there is still lot of room for improvement. It will only get better next time. As I did with my first build, I was planning to turn it using my drill set up, This time I approached the guy at the angling specialties and asked him if he would let me use his Lathe. For only $ 10.00 he ended up turning it for me ( nice deal!) Actually I did it the hard way. I glued all the rings onto 1/4" rod, once dried and turned. I used 15 inch long (1/4 "Flathead) with sharp cutting edge (sides) drill bit to enlarge the ID (very tricky process, not to damage the cork ends). Then rim it using an old rod butt that i glued sand paper belt on it. Yes Mike, on the old rod I did not install one, but I put a fancy one on the new rod, same as below (from Batson)
  14. lol, I think it's the angle at wich the pic was taken..If you count the cork rings you will see the reel seat will not be "smack dab in the middle" The dimension I v chosen are part of balancing the rod to my own comfort level, The Handle is exactly the same dimensions I have on my older rod (shown below)... In any case they certainly don't look weird beside a nice chrome...
  15. Well it's little too cold to do any float fishing around here. So that give me the opportunity to start my second rod. It was much easier then my first build that was a big learning experience... Here are some pics of the handle. Enjoy kj
  16. Nice fish.. The background is awesome
  17. I had very similar story, where the car was pulling to the right, and the dealer agreed to fix the problem before I pick the car. when driving away. after few blocks I noticed the care still pulling...I called the sales women.. she tried to pull the wool over my eyes, I responded very firmly. that I am returning the car.. so I did...after 20 utes the dealer's manager showed up and explained that the tires needed to be change..few days later they called me to bring the car in.. and they did change the 4 tires...and my problem was fixed// In your case they just cancelled the code but did not fix the problem
  18. 2011 was great year for me

  19. Sweet reel!!Congrats. Enjoy it
  20. Good to know.. Thanks Bill
  21. Hi everyone. It's been a while since last I visited the forum. I just want to wish everyone Merry Christmas, happy and Safe Holidays. And would like to share some of my recent pics.. Enjoy Was a great Last weekend.
  22. HI Any one knows what the message mean. << You must enter a post >> I was trying to post a new topic with some pics in it. Thanks
  23. I thought notty is is no kill zone.
  24. Great story, But the Chromer is huge!!.. Too bad I was not there to to take the picture. I hope your camera will be ok after you dry it
  25. http://www.bassfishingtechniques.net/
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