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davey buoy

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Everything posted by davey buoy

  1. Thanks Roy,very helpful.
  2. Any ball park figure on cost of battery and charger?
  3. Yes,but one swivel below the float helps saving your float when snagged.
  4. Would a 7 ah battery be a good choice? or a different size?
  5. Try 105km in the slow lane of the 400,see how many flash lights behind you . Mostly long weekends
  6. Thanks Terry,is the need for a gel battery because the AA batteries don't like the cold?
  7. The standard batteries in my Eagle Fish Easy 245ds requires 8 AA batteries. I already know that unit is ok for ice fishing even with the standard transducer. My question would be, should I get a gel battery for winter use?, Will they have the right hook up to the unit?,and how much of a difference do they make?. I take it they come with a charger of some sort?. Thanks again for any help.
  8. I would think still fishing is the standard. They all will work even if the boat isn't moving.Don't they?
  9. That's pretty nifty Luke. Amazing what a little engineering can do. Can't wait to hear your review:good:
  10. One more to add,3 point turn on a 4 lane street??????????, certainly I'm missing something here?. lol.In his own defense,he wasn't taught that one. Only on a two lane road.
  11. I use the CT gas multiplier coupons from in store. I top up every morning,always 30 litres or more. On a 6x=60 cents min,for a 10x=$1.00 max. every day depending on weekly multiplier amount. Usually $3bucks to $5bucks per week. Doesn't take long to add up. This buys my line,lures,swivels,artificial bait and more for the year. Today new tip up,all on CT money!!!!!:clapping:We all need to buy gas anyway,the rewards are a bonus!!!
  12. Me too,trying to figure out where the front wheels would go. Pretty cool though!!!
  13. I'm definitely going to try that this season.
  14. Imagine Dave pulling that on your drivers test:lol:,He may just pass you just to get out of the car
  15. Can't beat that price,now you just need the fish to cooperate!!
  16. danbob,not sure but I really think most of us would fail if we had to re-test.lol.
  17. Jer,the man said to him,no right turns on a red. What you and I do are ok I guess.:wallbash:What can you do? He stopped before the cross walk,signaled,all clear.continued to make his turn. Definite NO NO.
  18. The results FAILED!!. Right turn on a red light,never allowed.This is the kicker,parrellel park between cones???????????He was parking between cars during lessons,could not see the cones,what's this crap all about?. 35 years driving,I'm not sure I could park between cones without the door open. I almost think the first one for guys is a no go from the start. I maybe wrong but in most cases. Turning on a red light was a direct violation,FAIL. 10 plus days redo,thank you gentlemen .Insurance if he gets tenant insurance his monthly rate will drop. So far today,get this $532/mth,add tenant insurance under $500,. Just don't get it guys,but I guess that's the way it is. Hopefully in 2 weeks it's a pass!.
  19. We will try kanetix also,and your right,must have G2 for at least 1-5 years. Thanks
  20. He doesn't,to bad he didn't Thanks.
  21. Even a new driver would love to see 3/4/500 a month!!!!
  22. That's well under a hundred bucks for two vehicles a month.I'd say your getting a good deal!!!!!!!!!!
  23. Funny,both were never interested Wayne,always found that odd, but now it looks as though they are paying the price.
  24. Somewhat similar here,25 WAS the magic number,no tickets,accidents as well, multi vehicle discount or a discount for adding home,boat etc.
  25. That's just PLPD Bill
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