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Posts posted by huntervasili

  1. Well so that don't have an unexplained absence, I will be leaving to go to Greece for a month tomorrow. YES, I will be fishing, both the conventional kind and with the spear gun. I will have some pics upon my return and hopefully some will include fish. Have a great month everyone and I will try and check in while overseas, but not too much of a guarantee with all the chasing that will be going on while there.

  2. My favorites,


    "Today we say that Greeks fight like heroes, from now on we will say that heroes fight like Greeks."

    Prime Minister Winston Churchill


    "You have enemies? Good. That means you've stood up for something, sometime in your life."

    Winston Churchill



    "It concerns us to know the purpose we seek in life, for then, like archers aiming at a definitive mark, we shall be more likely to attain what we want." -Aristotle



    "If you live according to nature, you will never be poor; but if according to opinions, you will never be rich. Nature demands little, opinion a great deal." - Epicurus

  3. You might mention to Joe that his wife is coming on here drinking and carousing with the boys. It'll ease his mind while he's having fun up there.


    Have fun and play safe.




    Don't worry too much about that John, I am heading out shortly to get douG and follow Cliff and Carole... See everyone up there soon!

  4. Thanks all.


    It sure is quiet (and clean) around the here without Joe and Art and their Dad. The stupid dogs miss them.


    On the plus side, I almost killed the darn rooster yesterday. Sadly, he still lives...don't tell Joe.


    On the double plus side, I have the good bottle of wine to myself.


    Do you guys know if anyone is catching fish at the "get together?"


    Ask Joe what I told him I'd trade for one of the dogs... I know how to get rid of one for ya ;)

  5. Well in my limited smallie flyfishing experience I will say this... the afternoon will be easier to catch fish with flies than conventional gear... they turn off some and become less aggresive when it is hot, hence using streamers and wooly buggers... Any minnow/muddler pattern should do as should a couple crawfish patterns and in the morning a few topwater bugs (Grasshoppers) and poppers.

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