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Everything posted by snag

  1. Yah Rick, What about those "millions" of animals way back when? Huh? There's only billions of humans now, with our number growing to the multi-billions. Earth has never had a human population so high. Ever. and everone wants to have the same material wealth as a North American? The numbers just can't add up to a sustainable conclusion.
  2. Agreed, Rick, Sorry to see that those who disagree with you have not done the research. More fact-less propaganda. I was hoping for a fact-based discussion. I ran into the same issues when I was organic farming. Pesticides are harmless. Of course they are. I still laugh when some student told me 20 years ago that transfats should be banned. I remember thinking "What are transfats??...surely the government, society and Health Canada wouldn't let me eat bad stuff like that!" Some people just don't get it, and some people just don't want to get it. Thats the difference between ignorance and denial Well done.
  3. Wow Tony, What a beautiful fish. I love it's tail. Missed the show but I'll catch a re-run!
  4. Rick, I hope I can get this. I'm a huge floyd fan. I still have bootlegs on vinyl. One of them is called "the great gig in the sky" this was recorded in 71-72 with different lyrics than what made the final cut on that epic album Syd Barretts my hero. Thanks
  6. Party party!
  7. Ask DSN, He's a pro!
  8. Dang! That scared the crap out of me! LOL
  9. Tomorrow is sketchy. I have a job.
  10. Thought you were in a Hamtown jail?
  11. If they can make Michael Jackson look like an emaciated white woman, anythings possible!
  12. First, Sorry Aron and Fidel my cell is M.I.A. Second, Yes I'm grandstanding but only because Gerritt promised me he would shave his head if I caught some pike and I never know when I can get out! Anyways, only 1 week to be sick of my perpetually pompous, pikey 'ports. Today was odd, Rain, warm, Rain, cold Anyways, The pike are on..... DON'T DELAY GO TODAY! The scoop: Had some great follows, Lost 2 Landed 2 (1 snotty) Water shot (there's the bargain bin lure that yesterdays pike swallowed) Head shot (brief vertical hold right after hook was removed. Her head was quite thick) She was plump. 2 tons of fun. Spawn is on! Yeah baby, Yeah!! Thanks, FishheadRic Lucid Highdrifter
  13. Hello again, Welcome.
  14. Good question. Answer: Good Grammar, Snog is the proper British pronounciation of "Snag" Snogging is a preferred British pastime.
  15. No probs, Try the islands. Hope your brother has a great birthday!!
  16. I know. I saw it. You have to follow the etiquette here. Introduce yourself to the board. and don't ever ask me where I fish. I don't respond to PMs like that and people here do find it offensive. Toronto is small, explore. Eventually we'll meet. Welcome aboard
  17. Thought you ate the last 4 you caught. My mistake, you sold them in Kensington Market. Dang memory!
  18. The routine is: Fish on, Camera out. Remove hook Take pic Release. Repeat Luckily, there was a mooring post with a flat top to put the camera on.
  19. Soiled meeself
  20. I bet they are there, but heck, you may catch a monster walleye by accident...........
  21. Truth be told, I was there 20 min. and that was the last cast.........
  22. Joey, of course.
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