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Posts posted by snag

  1. Unbelievable :o Talk about gorging. I knew they ate alot at this time but I am surprised they would eat such a large fish for their size. Well ya learn something new everyday doncha :thumbsup_anim:


    Great report.






    O.k. I'll restrain myself.


    But I am with you here Joey. I had no idea :dunno:

  2. Just for the record, every hit I had was a bass, I simply used my higher than average fish senses and pulled my spoon away fast enough so as not to hook into an OOS fish.... :ph34r: Had any of my minnow thieving hits been perch, I'd have hesitated just long enough to hook into it.


    Someday you to, Rich, might be able to fish with such skill.


    Thanks for the company dude! Always good times...








    (you won't be active for 12 months anyways)





    A great read!


    Is there an AA video/dvd coming out??


    :clapping: to both

  3. you will be walking the beat once again along the Lakeshore.


    I can't wait Pat.

    I am a little cabin feverish


    Another creative post there Grant

    Thanks for the laugh.


    Thanks for the bump!


    Hilarious, you have a gift that's for sure!

    Brought back flashbacks from (....shudder....) one of my trips last fall:



    A brave local took it upon himself to free the beast from my line:




    Moments after that pic was snapped the creature wrestled free and launched itself at my face.


    I feel your pain. It was a......horrifying experience.


    Ouch! Gull in the face!


    That's a great shot.


    We should have a seperate section at OFC for seagulls


    Great funny post SNAG.

    That would be the sauce for that birdie with green onions. Missing the plate with the flat dough wrapping shells.

    Mmm, roasted water fowl. (duck, that is)


    You got it!

    Great stuff!


    That was a funny one grant! Thanks for the share!




    Mmmmm... wings in their natural state.... and biggins at that!





    HAHAHA! :lol: Loved it! Brilliant!


    "cross-handed-tiger-style grip" rofl!!!


    Thanks for that!




    It's real

    It's deadly.

  4. I've been waiting for a post from you. AHHHHHH ...I've had my New Year's fix now. Should be good for a couple weeks now...before the twitching and drooling starts again!


    Twitching and drooling?

    My goodness.


    That's awesome. :thumbsup_anim:





    Sang, Snag, Snag, you are one funny guy! Love the post, I am sure that I will laugh every time I see a seagull for many years to come...now if I can just get ccmt out from under the bed :lol:


    Don't EVER laugh at a seagull


    to funny


    thanks for the laugh






    "yes sir?.."


    "I think I will have what Grant is having..."


    "you can't afford it.."


    "do not make me flog you with a rotten carrot whilst hanging from your toenails!"


    "yes sir..... brb... Shirley temple with silver it is"



    Nice to hear from you again Grant.




    Thanks Gerritt,


    Floggings, twitchings and droolings,

    This place is home!


    You killed me... pm me your mailing address..... I gotr something for yay... that post was the best thing I read all day...... im crying here...


    Thanks ya perked me up!


    Wow, TJ I got your PM.


    I'm flattered but I'm not into weird stuff like that.

    You need help man.



    luckily for me, it couldn't get up that little ice patch for a couple minutes so I got away with all my fingers, my eyes,2 nuts and a picture :o


    This time you were lucky.


    Have fun at the Dead show in Buffalo if you're going!

  5. When I fished in Mexico I think we caught more birds then fish - great report Grant!


    I heard seaside can be hell in some areas.


    Did anyone else see the albino pidgeon in Cliff's last post?




    I think i will be laughing about this for a few days.Thanx for the chuckle.




    I'm with Doug.


    Great shhhtuff ya nutbar.


    Here's a pic of my enemy... evil bugger!



    That is one evil lookin' dude!

  6. Ok...now that the original shock is over (thanks snag for bringing back that horrifying childhood memory), I thought I'd respond.


    Birds have destroyed more than a few fishing trips for me...


    One time I was shore fishing...I looked behind and like ferocious Velociraptor, they snuck on me...surrounded me....and I had nowhere to go but to jump in the water!!! Little did I know that these guys were adept at swimming. Luckily the coast guard was close by to save the day..they found me a kilometer from shore.



    Then there was the time Fishnsled took me fishing. I got out of the car at sunrise...stretched, took a look around and saw this terrifying sight...I spent the rest of the day in the fetal position with the muskie cradle over my head mumbling "If I cant see them, they cant see me...."



    Then, although with best intentions, Big Cliff and my little one shows me how harmless they can be.



    Sure...they were ok, but I sure miss my dog. I'm not 100% convinced those things had nothing to do with it.....


    Wow Cliff,


    We've both come a long way brother.


    I'm sorry I had to bring back that horrifying childhood memory;

    But it's good for you!


    Tell you what.


    KFC tonight, I treat you.

    (C'mon we both know it's not chicken)


    Stay strong,


  7. Cool post. Very original to say the least.


    I'm drying up.


    Thanks Snag for the great read another stellar :



    Thanks for reading


    Well it was a good read until I got to the part where you weren't praticing Catch and Release


    I'm a meat hunter and proud of it! :devil:


    Always count on Snag for a great story to make me laugh. Not that Laridaphobia is a laughing matter of course :)


    We have room at our meetings.............


    Very funny read.

    Whats that side dish in the last pic?


    Green onions. Delicious!


    Is that MuskyBill on the far right???





    i CAN SEE IT!


    hahaha, that was so funny... pics speak for themselves as always.

    btw snag when it gets warmer try


    I might try that....in a snow bank!


    SNAG....please ,please,please lend me the prism through which you view the world....


    I wouldn't want you to get any more damage limey!

    (hint: lots of Guinness)


    Unfortunately, I overlooked the fact that you might get a taste for herring gull.. I know they're finger licking good, but Master says no more smeagulls..


    I have acquired the taste for them now and will feed to contentment.


    They cam smell your fear!






    If I hadn't had my mouth open... he'd have pooped in my eye!!! :blink:

    If you ever post another pic of my hellish childhood again...


    This old man will stomp a mudhole in your :asshat:


    ... and walk it dry!!! :angry:




  8. Thanks again y'all.


    Thanks master HD for the lesson.


    I'll try to git you all here:




    What a great read , thanks for posting. Glad your intervention went well .


    It's a 12 step program



    We had to walk through the nest of thousands of seagulls to get to our spot.


    Been there. Bottom of your shoes turn white.



    you have way too much time on your hands


    No, O.k. yes, well...no, I just haven't caught anything post worthy :dunno:


    Vintage Snag. Great stuff, but I gotta say that you are one strange child. I'm just not sure you're healthy.


    Vintage, you make me feel so old. :blink:


    i love that tattoo! and that feeding with the mouth picture is pretty crazy.


    I have to shave it every week to see my tat


    VERY funny post, one of the funniest i've ever read on here!



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