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Posts posted by snag

  1. Try a bottle or two of Argentinian wine, especially a Malbec blend of Syrah, Cabernet, or Merlot. They might not be equal to an $18 bottle of Australian jam, but very very good at $10 or less.


    My Wife is from Argentina.


    Her Father was a farmer/teacher/president of an Agricultural University. Before they had to flee to Canada.


    He is still friends with producers in his homeland.


    I have been treated to some great stock.



    The spoils of marriage..............................




    The glory of wine!

  2. Ya outta save them hockey pucks as a reminder: Automatic toasters are trouble!!


    On a lighter note, I was cleaning out mine the other day and would ya know it, a little mouse had unfortunately found his way in and had gotten stuck under the elements. It was completety charred and I have no clue how long he'd been in there!!! I'm surprised it didn't cause a short... That coulda been dangerous.


    No wonder my bagels never turned out right.. There was essence of charred mouse for gawd knows how long in my toasties!!


    Glad everyone's honky dory.





    You're such a pig!


    (actually, that use to happen at the farm alot)

  3. A great big beautiful smallmouth I caught on the Thames one morning with no witnesses, no camera and no way to properly measure it as I was standing in water up to my bellybutton. It's likely no one will ever believe me but I got the memory all the same. It was an exciting fish to catch.




    I believe you :whistling:


    Everyones been in that position.


    I'll bet that if you had a camera and witnesses it may not have been caught.

    Just happens like that sometimes.


    It was meant for private viewing, that's all.

  4. I chatted with Grant at Koppers and he does not know who the original poster is(his pic and e-mail address are in his profile) so you should give the poster the benefit of the doubt. He's been signed up since June before making his first post and he is also contributing on other threads.

    You guys are quick to judge.



    I heard he's a WITCH!

  5. First,


    Thanks for the sneak preview :rolleyes:




    And you'll have to agree, along with others,


    I can't believe a REPORT has been side-tracked with other NF's?????




    I know the effort you've put in to catch those fish.

    I know that this year has been unusually slow (which makes your catches that much more rare)

    I've seen my catches drop 50% from 2 years ago. :dunno:

    Very, Very discouraging :blink:


    It's hard out there folks, for these fish, in this year. Specifically, in this region.

    I don't know why.


    Impressive Cliff and Carole. :clapping:


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