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Posts posted by snag

  1. Looks like a Pflueger. they use felt drag material. If you like using the reel in the cold, you might want to upgrade it with wet carbon based drag.


    Great, now I can spend mooooore $

    Thanks Ace, I just might do that.

    You were right. It's a pflueger


    Looks like you found the gator hot spot.... Congratulations :clapping:


    Beautiful specimens :thumbsup_anim:


    It's a crazy lil' hole right now!

    Wasn't always that way?


    oooh I am jealous! Well done Snag! Sorry to hear that your beaver friend no longer cares about you.....I hear those animals can be temperamental at times.


    What Raf says.

    Plus I'm married. Land or water, I get no respect.


    ohh my.. i just about fell of my chair bly. :D:lol:


    i will resist.


    Good will power!


    Another great lunchtime report Snag.


    Why do you keep hiding that beautiful face of your???


    Take and extended lunch and don't want the boss to know?






    BTW- I preferred the Manho's


    Dude, you need a good set of ice cleats!!!


    WTG on the gators though, you do very well with them eh?




    I do need cleats and I do like toothy critters (re: what Bly said above)


    Hey Grant...so I shouldn't post pics of your face in here??? Like this one from last year??




    Oh by the way...Snag is one tough guy...he doesn't even have a limp.







    Hey Grant, another awsome report, congrats, way to go. :clapping::thumbsup_anim:




    Anything for you, Dirk.


    Do me proud!


    Another unreal report! Whatever secret spot you've got yourself there, it always seems to be paying off.. Motivated by your last post, I got out today and did some Pike hunting, but everything was either frozen solid, or the spots that weren't frozen were severely wind-blown, and the water was dirty and dingy..


    Keep the posts coming.. if I can't be catching em', I'm loving the reports of people who can!


    At least you're trying. Those spots will be jumping with the warm temps next week.


    Cool pics Snag, had the Pike itch myself but not much open water around Hamilton here. :wallbash: Enjoy the great stories u tell, always an adventure. :thumbsup_anim:




    Thanks Rocky,


    I think Hamilton may have a banner year too. Hopefully.

    Keep us informed.

  2. Hey - I'm the guy you ran into just before you left your car. Sounds like you did quite well! I should have brought my fishing stuff rather than my camera.


    I hope you have as good luck or better next time.




    Hi Jon!


    Great to meet you!


    Well I guess you know my secret identity! LOL


    You were very nice. Shame I will have to kill you now.




    Juuuuuuuuust kidding!


    Drop me a line if you want to hook up sometime.


    I'll have video and scale working this time I promise! LOL


    Keep your rod in your car!



  3. Landed 2

    Lost 2

    Multiple follows



    Beaver was letting me know that he doesn't care about me



    Here is the spot that produced last time.

    It was a mix of new ice and old chunks.

    Not good.



    I moved on to find anything that resembled open water.


    It was a pain to avoid the random ice chunks while casting/retrieving and fighting a fish.



    Big annoyance is frozen braid (I know, go mono. Never!)

    Then my braking froze inside my reel and my spool spun in all directions.

    I won't mention the guides freezing.....

    Many nests.




    I had a heart-in-my-mouth-moment today as I clawed the thin ice.

    There was very little surface to stand on.

    I looked for the "bubbly" rough ice to have traction.

    Not very smart.

    Had the tools ready again.



    On these icey rocks, I had to lay back and used my body as a counter balance with a fish on.


    C'mon baby



    Yeah baby!



    Join the party


    Mild Surgery






    Tomorrows outlook looks awesome!


    Good luck out there!



  4. Definitely! I missed out last season and do not intend to let that happen again.


    It will be done. Please be gentle.


    Nice report Grant, those are some real EARLY in the season T.O pike.

    Looks like lunchtime on milder days with Rapala husky jerks might bring some pike for those willing to try.

    Great stuff as usual from you.


    Thanks Erik.

    I was suprised where they came from.

    Let me know if you want the location.


    Awesome stuff!

    I'll be in Toronto for opener in May - be there or be square(er)!


    You're going down Meeps :P

  5. That kind of fishing seems such a long way off.


    Great efforts SNAG, some quality fun and fish.


    Gracias Bunk,

    I actually had to wait for an hour for ice to drift out of the bay so that I could cast!


    That might explain a few things LOL


    Great report Snag and beauty Pike :clapping: Thanks also for the reminder of what open water looks like :)


    Thanks Carole,


    Aluminum brings out my eyes


    An adventure with you and CCMT is due.


  6. Carefull, that boat is for sale on kiijji or whatever.


    Craigslist too.


    That was a fun read...nice fish...nice pics too....but, what's wrong with yer face??? :)


    My face?


    Well, I find that my rugged good looks distract the viewing audience from the esox.

    I was going to scar my face with a scaler, but

    blurring is easier!


    Actually, I've been recognized a few times while fishing and I'm not thrilled with it.

  7. Great Report Snag.....I have yet to get into my 1st pike for 09........


    It's coming, I was a little suprised myself.


    Nicely done!! Nothin' like a little lunch time quickie :whistling:


    Even had a smoke afterwords!


    Congratulations Snag :clapping: Beautiful gators :thumbsup_anim:


    Fun times, active fish and beauty day.... doesn't get any better than that!!


    Again good job and thanks for sharing



    It was the perfect day brother, amen!


    MY BOAT! AHHHHH!. Nah, I wish I had a boat nice enough to sink on the waterfront :(. Nice fish there Snag - glad to hear you didn't slide all the way in, those rocks looked slippery.


    If there were bottles of SKREECH floating around I might believe it was your boat!


    Those pike are gorgeous :thumbsup_anim:


    No, you're gorgeous!! ;)


    Those two Northerns are HUGE! Great report.. but please tell me those weren't caught today? In -13 weather? If thats the case you have magical powers or something. I'm going to finally get out next Tuesday because I have the day off, and this report for sure will keep me motivated to keep casting, thanks Snag!


    No, that was on Monday. 2 or -2, 10km wind, sunny.

    Tuesdays long range is looking good!

    Good luck!!


    Cool report, im going pike fishing in the start of march and would using HJ's like you were using work well in a river mouth situation?


    Thanks for sharing!!


    Hey Mike,


    Definately, try back bays where they will be searching for spawning grounds.

    Rivers will be moving pretty fast and water can be murky.

    Good luck.


    YFS!!! :whistling:


    I'm waiting with my Dixie cup? what's up??


    Great report Snag, I've tried the TO waterfront a few times at ice out and before the Apr 1 close but haven't had much luck, just not walkin enough I guess. :thumbsup_anim: Winter and early Spring piking see the biggest brutes. :worthy:


    If this is any indication, this year may be fantastic.

    These pike were hungry and aggressive.

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