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Posts posted by snag

  1. right on, cold water feedbag pike, gotta love it :Gonefishing:


    my best days last year where January on Erie, ice was in, then melted, the pike fishing exploded for like 2 weeks, I got like 40 fish or more in 3 outings


    thnaks for the tease


    Things will mellow for awhile and then hopefully they'll be back to feed more.


    Great report and pics SNAG :thumbsup_anim:


    Nothing wrong in catching small pikes..... loads of fun when the biting is on :thumbsup_anim:

    And for the net..... I never leave home without it :whistling:


    Great job and thanks for sharing :clapping::thumbsup_anim:



    Thanks, I actually like the fight of small fish better.


    Nice report, looks like some fun fish!




    PM me and I'll tell you where to go :whistling:


    Who cares if you didn't get the pikie in your hands. If you got it to the shore or ledge, got to see it before it shook off, good enough for me. Water shot is even better. WTG


    Thanks for the porn. That turns my crank for the day. :thumbsup_anim:


    I just wanted to show off the bigger ones I lost, that's what hurts!


    Snag... You're not a looser.. I'm sure your mom thinks your cool. Your wife on the other hand.. well.. she prolly thinks you're a dingus.


    Noice juans mang.


    You gonna post that incidental from today?





    Your new species report might come out next week when I have some time.

    I might be a dingus but you proved today that you're....

    Gullible :clapping:



    Perhaps your inconsistency in landing those bad boys is directly attributable to your choice of footwear? They see those office loafers and they bolt for the high seas because they figure you're going to subject them to the tedium of the mail room!


    I think you're definitely on to something there Billy.

    Perhaps if you were there with the net, like before, I wouldn't be such a whiner? :rolleyes:

  2. Hey Y'all,


    I'm a loser.


    It's rather frustrating. I would have more to show if I used a net but I don't like to use them.

    Being a shore angler, I don't need the extra weight.

    No excuses here. I lose a chunk of catches in high elevation areas and poor hook-ups that get off as I attempt to hand-land them. I have accepted being a loser for the comfort of less accessories.


    Luckily, marriage has conditioned me to accept crushing disappointment on a semi-regular basis.



    These catches were had on the way to work, lunch and homebound.

    I don't fish on weekends.

    They are from last week and a bit, (as you'll notice by the lighter clothes in some pics)


    I have not been very successful as of late. Time is limited.


    Lotsa dinks like this have plagued me










    I love water shots (before I screw things up and lose them like a king bonehead extraodinaire)

    HJ chartreuse


    Storm jointed



    Surprise November LM caught on a spro almost as big!






    Only pike were invited



    Can't wait to see this dude in March!


    Nice tail



    How to get to know your Harbour police



    The Captain of the Exxon Valdez's leisure boat




    The 1st sticker reads, "I love cats, they taste like chicken"

    The 2nd sticker reads, "CAT, the other white meat"




    Specializing in making problems disappear.

    Wonder if they've ever worked under the table?

    Goodfellas Construction



    (note: if anything were to happen to me, please call the police)





  3. Hey Snag...if you spent nearly as much time fishing as you do thinking up these replies, maybe we'd see an actual fishing report from you. :w00t:


    Is it getting late in the season for a morning fish for pike?


    It wouldn't hurt so much if it wasn't true. :wallbash::wallbash:



    Welcome to the board CCM!


    Geez you guys are gonna scare off the new guy. :lol:


    Just letting him/her know what he's/she's getting into!!

  4. Hey there! Welcome to the board...I see you joined back in Feb, so if you've been watching,




    So...how bout a little about yourself? Where do you fish?





    Worried about a little handle competition Cliff?


    It's O.k. snags are popping up like bobbers around here!



    Welcome CCM!


    With a name like that you'll be a PB king!


    (PB= Personal best)


    sorry Cliff,


    I can't help myself.....



    Hey CCM,


    Got any pics kicking around??







  5. Peter,


    I have to admit, you've always come off as a tough and harsh individual.


    I might have thought, uncompromising.


    I can't believe how well you're trying to accept and grow with your son.



    I have straight and gay friends.


    I am repulsed by men being intimate. (The ladies are a lot easier to handle)

    I am repulsed because I'm genetically designed to be so.

    I am intellegent enough to accept that homosexuality is as completely natural as heterosexuality.


    You and I are designed to be a heterosexual and our base phycological design will fight against any biological deviation to ensure that we procreate.


    Your son is designed as perfect as you, just a different design.


    Anyways, discretion on his part will be key to both of you being happy.

    He should know your nature well enough to agree.

    Time, lots of time.......


    Kudos on strength and understanding.

  6. Thats a 43 incher from Lake Opasitaca when I was 12 years old, we couldnt even shut our livewell because it was folded with the tail sticking out. Yeah I kept it and 23 pounds was the taxidermists scale. Take it for what it is.


    For reference: Here's a 38.75 incher that weighed 15.3 pounds caught this year.




    I just couldn't resist! :devil:


    and I don't doubt you, either. :angel:


    Did you get it stuffed?


    Great catches.

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