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Posts posted by snag

  1. Gotta say, this here story is a KEEPER!

    Best read this board has seen in ages.

    Wonderful use of photography.

    You should submit it to one of the fishing rags fer publication.


    Thanks Clamp, though I'm not sure they'd want my content!


    Man you got lot's of imagination..... I thought your last post was incredible but this one tops it 150% :worthy:

    Great job catching them fish , the live ones :lol:

    Looking forward to your next report

    Thanks for sharing



    I'm drying up!


    FINALLY..... someone has the cohonies to make quick work of a couple of '' Lurkers '' who tried to take over some elses Honey-Hole ,,


    Lurkers have honey holes!


    Thanks SNAG, that was some hilarious stuff & excellent picture takin, and who doesn't need a laff to get the day started ?? :thumbsup_anim:


    Let's turn that handle on your face into SMILE!


    You are one seriously demented (and funny) dude! :D


    Takes one to know one!


    Awesome Job, My wife and kids think I'm nuts cause I can't stop howling!!!


    Well Done.



    Your avatar make me howl!


    Wouldn't the timmies just pour out of him when he drinks it :dunno:B)




    Yeah, he's a slob. Drinking problem, you know...dead guys!!!



    That was pretty kool Snag.... :thumbsup_anim:

    your a sick and twisted individual ? but i'd still fish with ya ;):P


    I'm glad you like my resume!


    Hmmm...I have fished with him before. If he gets a glassy look to his eyes, and starts to say "Hey...I have a great idea for a report...could you stand over there on that rock by the rapids for me?", run...run away fast and don't look back.


    Let's go fishing Cliff, somewhere.. secluded.............


    I finnaly got a chance to read it.. lol.. nicely done.....


    Great avatar, are you from Holland?.

  2. Scared the bejezzers out of me.HAHAHAHAHA


    Funny and had a good laugh Snag. THNX.


    Cheers MF,

    Just call me if you have nightmares man!




    you found alot of dead fish...


    "Just follow your nose, it always knows"



    never knew you had a dark side to your self... lol.. great post, love the picts...


    Embrace your darkside Anton.



    :worthy: :worthy: :worthy: :worthy: :worthy: :worthy:


    Sugarpacket and I thought we had an imagination, HA! That was great! Thanks for the story!



    I'm not joking,

    The rockbass part,

    He's comin'!!!

  3. Did I ever happen to mention that you're a Nuckin Fut!!! :w00t:


    Yes, you've told me, over and over!!!


    Nice one Snag. That is better then anything on TV.



    Better than god?



    Amazing post and work there SNAG, thought i saw Mr. D on a 'Family Guy' episode.


    Keith/Grim Reaper sent me this link, apparently you were supposed to go to a club after fishing.

    He said this one is for you.


    Thanks for taking time to post your adventure,



    Thanks Erik,

    The Keith thing was to easy but dang! He's ugly!

    My dad played Goats head soup a lot. Never saw that original cover. Cool.



    Holy Lmao! Great story, note to self "Run away when i see snag fishing T.O shoreline with Mr Death" :w00t::devil::ph34r:


    Nooo Patrick,

    Just don't get in Deaths way or touch him and you'll be o.k.

  4. Funny stuff very Pythonesque...


    Wait but I'm not dead yet......


    Anyone for the Salmon Mousse


    I was actually preparing a luch shot with death eating some Salmon Mousse out of the beely of a salmon!

    But the smell..........


    Now that was funny and very creative, thanks for the read!


    With I could've found a dead shark!


    All fishing and no working make Snag a funny boy!!


    WTG budday. If I had to go, I'd want you in my corner...





    Good to hang with you dood :thumbsup_anim:

  5. Umm...I'm not quite sure what to say?


    You know not to post pictures of me during the week when I'm supposed to be at work!!!!!


    Jeez...where the respect?


    Death seemed like a ncie guy, think you guys will get together again??


    Unfortunately, we will meet again.

    Good to see you out there.

    I've got your rod. :whistling:


    Nice post and a great laugh for the early afternoon! Well done SNAG. I think Mr. D needs to work on his C&R handling though. ;)


    He's all thumbs


    LMAO...great post

    I love the pic of the 'local loser' hangin over the railings.


    Losers couldn't describe them better!


    Hey Snag... if it's that slow at the office today you can come up and help shovel this (#@*)@(%*@*( snow !




    No Way if,


    I'd rather get a frenchy from death than shovel up there!

  6. O.k.


    I'm not superstitious.

    But on the drive home the other day,

    I see this:

    A dark black funnel cloud forming over my house



    Then I see this:


    It was a little disconcerting.



    Next day,

    I look out my window and I don't like the ominous shadow on my wall.



    It's DEATH! oh crap!

    He's soul trolling and I'm the catch of the day!



    I politely ask him to leave while I stay safe behind my door.

    I know Death cannot have your soul if you do not invite him in.




    Now I'm screwed.




    I was weak,

    So we strike up a deal,

    I'll take him to all my honey holes for a Multi-species, multi-spectacular day of fishing and

    he'll spare my soul.


    Deal! and into the car we go.

    This dude is a talker.

    He's goes on and on while we're driving.

    "I've fished the River of Styx, Love canal, Dead Sea, Hamilton Harbour....Blah, blah, blah......" :blahblah1:

    Couldn't wait to get to our spot so he'd shut up. :blahblah1:


    So we get to our honey hole and a couple local losers are crowding us out.

    I tell Dr.D that we should split.

    D says,"Hold on mortal"



    Anyhoo, D waves his hand and harvests there souls!

    We get our spot back again!

    Man this dude ROCKS! :thumbsup_anim:



    D gets his line in the water pronto




    He's a little anxious because he's not catching any, so he's chain smoking.

    I tell him he should cut back on the smokes 'cause they'll kill you.

    He looks at me blankly.





    Then suddenly,

    Bass On!

    Man this thing went nuts!


    Then it didn't move so much.



    I'm like," DUDE WHAT THE HECK??"



    Turns out that one little detail Dr.Death didn't care to share was that,


    So much for catch and release, LOL :wallbash:




    Oh well, I figure I've fished with some real freaks before. I can handle his quirks.


    Then suddenly,

    Pike on!

    Feisty, scrappy and mad


    A little docile now as D tries to hand-land him. Doofus.



    Like, 2 seconds later, another one slams his chartreuse HJ



    Nice One. We forgot our tape so D puts it beside the rod for sizing



    and the release shot. (She was hooked deep and I worry about her survival)





    The action slows so we move on.

    Ran into DSN lakeside,

    He turned death onto carping. Nice fight here.


    Seemed to lose a little weight pre-release?




    We hit a local river and run into a local angler who's furious about fishing.

    The rockbass were jumping at anything.


    Of course buddy had to hold it himself. Look out Rich, you're next.....



    Salmon were jumping too!


    Buuuuuuuut not for long. Impressive teeth.




    We even ran into CCMT/Cliff at the mouth of the river.


    He has a fish on, looks over and sees death, liquidates warmth into his waders, drops his rod and runs, screaming.

    Like a baby. :w00t:

    Dr.D pics up the rod and takes over the fight. He's a man of action.

    As you can see, pink worm was the ticket. Brilliant chrome.




    I tell death that perhaps he would not frighten people if he could take a human form.

    He looks weepy :(



    Then he tells me he has a human form!

    I say, "What? Why don't you use it, moron!!"

    He says it's not much of an improvement.

    I agree,

    But I still ask for an autograph.



    I'm dying for spring to come.





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