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Posts posted by snag

  1. I have spoken with the MNR today. I made mention of this sign once again on how it is deceiving. I also made note of the sign being out of date to show the new season regulations. The sign shows "the last Saturday in April" where as the new regs show the 4th Saturday in April. It doesn't make a difference for this year but it will in other years.


    Long story short, they will be replacing the sign and removing the sign on the upstream side. I have volunteered to do this for them. Once the sign is made, it will be changed.



    Kudos :clapping:

  2. Plus I would have a hard time driving around with a stinky slimed-mat in my car!!


    Yup. But look at it this way. Your car would smell like sucess! :D


    I thought success smelled sweeeeeeet???!!!




    This is your BOSS :lol:


    Get back to work and SELL, SELL, SELL





    Hey, I'm working Jose!!!


    I actually drop in here when I'm on hold with the phone or some rambling co-worker is standing across from me telling me about there dull kids disasterously dull hockey game.




    Live person on the phone,,



    Sell, sell, sell :thumbsup_anim:

  3. I can forgive one or two posts without a tourney sign. Ask Rowbotham - he took up a place on my team all last year, posted a ton of brag pics to the general forum....and didn't bother to put a team sign in a single one of em. :wallbash:


    CCMT had a neat solution last year - if you can't set the fish down, hold the sign in your teeth. Tadaa! :thumbsup_anim:


    I think that orange critter deserves bonus inches for cuteness. Do you happen to have a profile shot of it? It'd make a fun team banner.


    Sorry boss :(


    I'll try the Cliff trick.


    I'll try to get some more pics of the orange critter


    right on snag, those are some great looking fish. nicely done


    Thanks Riz!


    Master is pleased. :closedeyes: :ph34r:




    That's all that matters...........



    Hilarous post! :thumbsup_anim:

    Snag if there is anytime you want to come up and fish with me give me a call.

    You can wear a mask if you would like to remain anonymous.


    Thanks for the invite Bernie!

    Much obliged!


    I don't conceal my spots or beauty outside of the city.


    But I'll where a mask if you want ;)



    "I refuse to put a pike on the ground for this tourney thing. So I might be useless."

    Us carp guys use unhooking mats. They really help reducing damage to your catch and I find that the fish settles down faster so its easier to unhook. I bought a padded beach mat at Giant Tiger for $6.99.


    Thanks Hammer,


    I still find that pike will flip around and off the mat pretty quickly.

    The slime will come off too fast.

    Plus I would have a hard time driving around with a stinky slimed-mat in my car!!



    Ha Ha, way to go on the pikes there Grant :Gonefishing:


    The humour of this post belies the fact of the difficulty of catching said fishes at this time of the year.


    I think that last fish is a nuclearized Northern Big-Eyed Pic (sic).

    Usually they are netted in that phase and sold to Dollaramas. As long as that C.O isn't watching.

    Tough identification there.




    I knew you would know this fish!




    It definitely preferred plastic bait over live bait :D

  4. Great pics and post Snag well done :thumbsup_anim: Glad to hear that you're thinking of the fish's well being when taking pics and not just laying them on the ground :clapping:


    Here's a suggestion for you that may help. What about using a clip of some sort to clip the sign in the middle of the tape measure somewhere?


    I would think that as long as you're showing an accurate measurement that it would be acceptable. :whistling:


    Thanks Joe,


    The wind picked up to 60mph so I have to figure out a way to do it.


    As you said, the fishes well being is most important.


    As always, nice looking pike.


    Thanks Ugli!


    (sounds funny when I type that!)

  5. Snag, I think you caught Nemo.


    My son would be bawling if he saw that!


    WTG Snag, as usual great report. :Gonefishing:

    The last one was a monster :P




    Thanks Jose, my brother had me meet him at 5am that day for breakfast and when that one hit I "woke-up"


    LMAO....that's awsome. Looks like the fish Bart Simpson caught, minus the extra eye. Great report as usual.




    It looked like it was molting so a 3rd eye may be coming!

  6. This is Tony,


    He finds and fines poachers etc.

    I have his business card if anyone needs it.






    Met my bro for breakfast way to early and later got into some pike




    I tried team, but failed to get the sign in the pic and an accurate measurement.

    I couldn't feel my bloody fingers.




    I refuse to put a pike on the ground for this tourney thing. So I might be useless.


    Just a wee fatty




    This guy hit hard and put up a nice fight.

    When I opened it's mouth, the lure fell out.

    Wasn't even hooked. Just wanted the food??




    Nice size too.




    O.k. I know I've blurred the pics, but I can tell you that we were near PICKERING.


    I admit, I've lurked and stalked EHG's post to get some of those heat lovin' nuclear fish.


    Well, here is my first catch from nuclear fisshion'


    But what is it Erik?


    It shook the hook but I quickly jumped down and grabbed it.






    It even has my eyes.


    It was released quickly.






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