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Posts posted by snag

  1. By the way, for the mod that deleted my first reply. merdeux means lucky.. and is neither a swear nor is it offensive.


    Literal translation: You can't be any luckier!!


    What the heck?!! Who's got it in for me?


    We just assume you're foul mouthed :o


    Because you're a pig.





    Me gusta pescado!!!!!!!

  2. Now what ya wanna do is follow that Snag guy around T..O....

    Just blend into the background. :lol:







    Gb, that's not fair!


    One of these days you'll find me attached to your hull scouting musky locals.



  3. You will get some tips and advice but you won`t get a spot worth fishing, you would have better luck asking a member if you could date their wife.


    If I knew something about your area I would help out.





    I forgot to ask and your wife gave me your GPS,

    While you were at work :rolleyes:


    I owe you one (or 2)


  4. Works for me toooo Snag... it's the deal I make everyone that hits my boat. I'll bring the boat... you bring the lunch !


    I'd bring you my fridge on my back for a plane ride!!









    ... got the munchies?... ya food Dumb Dawg???



    You need to eat more, runt :stretcher:

  5. Hey Joe,


    We could try this:

    read the description below!






    You love fishing so much that a fish as a belt buckle sounds like a good idea. And that is not all this belt buckle offers you. When you land that monster fish, you can just pull the tape measure that is tucked into this guys mouth. On the dowonside, some may suggest you measure other items that are in the general area of your waist. And that is not good for anyone.



    Yup, actual quote with poor grammar and spelling too!







    I've got nothing to worry about :whistling::thumbsup_anim:

  6. Hi Guys and Gals,


    After trying for almost 2 years finally I got my fist pike! It all started about 2 springs ago (I think), I was searching the net for Piking techniques and I came about this board. I read the thread from “Snag” about his adventures with urban piking… I was hooked!


    My hands stop shaking after while and I was able to take some good pictures. Finally, I like to thank all the members who have been helpful and encouraged me not to give up. And a special thanks to Snag :worthy:



    Sorry it took so long to reply Anton!!




    Look pal,


    I don't want to be a part of your shenanigans.


    Just because we share the same birthday (for real everyone!)

    and we both like to fish,

    Doesn't mean I want any part of your amazing story.


    I'm not worthy Anton. :worthy:


    That was a great read!


    You totally brought me back to the excitement of my 1st T.O. pike!


    I was also surfing when I came across this site by accident and saw a report from FHR, LUCID and HIGHDRIFTER.


    The rest is downhill.


    I'm very happy for ya buddy! :thumbsup_anim:




  7. Now Cliff don't be so hard on yourself I know your really good at catching bait through the ice :whistling: .


    I went out twice this year and got the skunkaroo.






    Boss The plane the plane!!!!!!!!


    At least you got out Cliff!!


    Did you try the nail polish trick? (nobody would've seen it with gloves on!)




    Re: Dwarf picture,

    Wasn't your team looking for a cute mascot??


    Just an idea!


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