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Everything posted by aniceguy

  1. Corporate culture is a funny thing, either you have it or you dont. In todays society there are far too many corporations who's only intent is to bilk you the consumer. BASS CAT is a complete opposite never too busy to talk, or answer a question more then willing to send me daily updates and when I wanted something minor changed it was done immediately without cost. I asked them is this thier norma policy and the answer was that this is how they do things they dont know any other way, a customer is always right and deserves to be happy with the purchase So todays pictures look like a lot more finishing was done, the throttle was installed as was the trolling motor and the back vent stickers ect, looks like all the rigging hose is on and all we are waiting now is for the engine for those bored with this thread sorry but for those that are into this process as much as I am enjoy todays pictures feel free to post your comments on specifics of the build
  2. that boat looks like it was flying
  3. dipsy's work just fine
  4. sadly no update today, I understand the engine goes on Monday and it is on schedule to ship Thursdday, I made an arrangement to take del on MAy 7
  5. I have on a few situations been known to have to floss upon getting home.... it is a unique thread I dont think I have seen one where a boat build was documented from start to finish ever in this detail that I can recall
  6. day 2 of this god awful cold ro what ever it is....happy to come home and see some additional pictures I see the front rod lockers are installed and good to go, looks like he is working on the controls or the gas tank? I see also that finally the bass cat logo's are on the hull in bright gold In this picture I can see that the the storage compartments are done, they have wrapped the boat for protection, the vent is in and the PSI guage I asked for is installed Finally I got to see another part of the missing componant the fenders, which are the same color remmington steel as the cap, I think they look sweet With this weather I cant tell ya how antsy I am to get this new boat home, although Ill miss the daily updates I ll just go and watch it in the driveway
  7. It was a tough weekend with me having kids baseball, while suffering through a mid Spring cold/ flu or anything in between. Here i am just a common Joe not a pro but a single paying customer. the chap from Bass Cat that was sending me daily updates on my build was on holiday and I though there goes my updates so bummed I was a bit. Today Im sitting and trying to wait until the buckleys kicks in ( ya it does suck) and I see on my phone an update on a bass fishing site of my build in progress, nope the pictures were not emialed to me rather they them selves posted them on an internet site..... talk about taking the next step in customer support.... Anyhow I see soe good progress was made but what really impressed me is the true colors are showing now The Charcoal color and the remington steel of the cap are much more accurate. I think Im going to extend a blog on this build and build it to a multi year excercise on the cat and Milo..... Sorry if this is boring but for those that like this sort of post...............enjoy The back of the hull again the colors are much better and I see some awsome progress a somewhat more slanted view of the hull...lookin sweet
  8. the four blade I figured get out of the factory because I want it for rougher water, you think a tempest? I have been reading that those fury props are almost a perfet fit for the p2
  9. I recently looked at two used boats, cosmetically they looked perfect, under the cowling the same thing, all was well until I looked at an engine report on one with a cylinder that went to 250 degrees aka pretty much done and the other that was in fact done I bought my last boat from someone trustworthy and thats the best recomdation I can say or do what I did buy new
  10. I think I would need to drop 50 eat some re fried beans for afterburner effects run down the niagara river in a 50mile sw wind to do 75 or 76 my ever expanding girth just wont let me lol
  11. lol.......actually awsome comments, sorta makes me think that I wasnt the only one to think through all the issues........end of the day 14 to 16 days and its here.... JF thats the other thing the factory is sending a 26p 4 blade trophy plus, and I ll find a26 fury afterwards
  12. I thought about the smart guages, and I can see the merits of it, but 1500 more didnt make sense besides the only guages that are important to me any how are the trim water pressure and tach Lowrance could network into the guages since i don thave lowrance units that was another reason for the standard package
  13. its a pantera 2
  14. Billy Bob Im hoping to see the side scan on a lowrance this summer on someones boat and see how it really compared with the humminbird it will be interesting
  15. Billy when I sold my 111 and 102 I was thinking that was the way to go, I started to shop it and realized I was around a 2k difference and thought for 2 k I can buy a lot of other things.
  16. Honestly Mike you dont need great gear and its 60 to join a club and roughly 100 or so to fish a tourny, lots of great guys who will happily share gear and stuff, unless you draw Charles and your trolling senko's all day you ll learn a pile
  17. hopefully mike you ll join a local CBAF bass club and we can meet one day
  18. your safe might do 73 max
  19. its a grey charcoal not moss green lol....
  20. I was lucky enough to get some shots today of the carpet going into the boat hope you enjoy let me know what you think of things
  21. glad to see the ole hornet is getting a fresh slime coat.....when's the fish fry
  22. congrats thats a great big water boat
  23. Well bass cat is coming to the completion of the boat itself and is waiting for the engine to rig it, it should be carpetted today and then can rest a bit here is the front of my dash with the 788 on it, I have a new one here at home that I ll more then likely sell at some point as this one is direct from the factory the remington steel color is more pronounced today I just love how the troling motor is intrigated into the entire hull here, its a far up on the bow so I ll need to get use to that I can see how if I stuff the bow on a wave its of no consequence to anything, pretty sleek on the front end I asked for 4 aluminum battery trays and it just makes the bilge look smart, lots of wires and room in there for sure even without the steering wheel it looks super sharp with the duel trim for the plate and engine trim, the 997 should look nice into the built in ram mount on the groove I think in this picture you can begin to see the charcoal of the hull, sweet colors I think, the jack plate is on and wires are run just waiting for the engien to get rigged I can also see the passanger counsole is added Finally a finished product sans carpet...every day its like a kid in a candy store on this
  24. No problem Lew will do as I get them Gerritt I ll only have a 200 pro xs on the back I wanted to put an sho but the dealer wasnt a yamaha guy
  25. Hirk I ll miss the green hornet.....Brian happy wife happy life is all I can say
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