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Posts posted by manitoubass2

  1. I'm not really sure there is away to stop this from happening? I've never heard, nor come across any info in relation to this topic.


    I think diligence and keeping the baits separated may be the only choice??


    That being said, try to keep anything oil based away from plastics. At least in my experience, this damages soft baits very quickly. I few years back I had some lubricant leak into a plastic bag I had some chartuesse grubs in. I think it was an old WD-40 bottle, can't recall. But it bled the yellow color all over, and I could squish the grubs into a paste, almost like melted gummy worms.


    Nowadays I keep all my soft baits, scented/salted or not, in zip lock bags, and I never have any issues

  2. I think it's a good idea myself, but to compile the correct data to make the site credible would be a very hard task.


    Think about it, there are hundreds of thousands of lakes in ontario, and an already depleted MNR.


    If this project had a timeline, say like 10 years or so, and work in concert with anglers, I think it could eventually become a great resource. But it would take alot of work, and alot of volunteers.

  3. just a thought.

    before i start iwould like to say that any body that knows fishing would find this information useles.

    ie. Ron the time spent compiling your information amounts to expirence that is yours. to say that somone with no expirence can go to the same spot and have the same rusuts is absurd.


    just a thought...


    for every other licence that we aplly for ther is a basic level of knowledge required.

    except for fishing!!!


    i think that a basic knowledge is required. for a fishing licience.!!!


    spieces identification/legal bait/catch and posetion limmits/genaral areas where spieces can be found/seasons/catch and realees methods/ect...

    the system as it stands now gives anyone a licence and then hopes that they read the regs.


    fishing is not a right its a privaledge just like driving/hunting/or any licience that many of us need to make a decent living...





    I'm having a blue, what about you?


    lol, I get your point though.

  4. Yeah, sure, you're just trying to keep us away from your honey-holes. Screw that, I'm putting on a par of chest-waders and going... holy crap... just a sec... glub, glub, glub...


    lol, I wish.


    I'm done fishing here for abit as well, no way I want 20ft sections of 20" thick ice smashing into my boat, nevermind the thousands of trees cruising around, hehe.


    It's the highest I've ever seen it. I tried to look it up, but found two different values. On the US side of Manitou rapids, its measured in real time. It says it's currently averaging 15.8ft deep (mean average since 1912 is 6ft roughly), and it's pushing 45,900cubic ft3 per second (average since 1912 is about 16,000). It's states the highest ever recorded was 34,000 cubic ft per second.


    On one other site, not sure about reliability, it said the highest ever was 2001 (which I don't remember???) was 51,000 cubic ft per second.


    Looks damn cool though, even though it's halted my dailly fishing excursions :angry:



  5. Well, after having a really lucky early spring, my first set back to the fishing season.


    The water has been steadily rising for about 10 days, but in the last two days, Little Fork/Big Fork rivers let go, and well.... The river is flooded, literally double it's depth and volume, and there is ice and debri everywhere. Our shack is literally 1 ft from the water.


    Anyhow, I realize most of the board is from southern ontario, but if you had plans to visit rainy river before April 16th, I'd cancel.


    I'll get some pics up from yesterday and today as soon as my kids are of to school.


    Good morning all

  6. I have been doing this for about 30 years on the Niagara River in a area nicknamed "The Fish Market" which is just above the Peace Bridge on the USA side of the river....this was also a great technique years ago when I use to fish Bobcaygon in the channel below the dam/lock.....


    He did a great job explaining everything but I was surprised he didn't get into more detail on how important it is to stay vertical which means as close to the boat as possible...on rivers where there are a lot of snags if your jig gets out and away from your boat you will be spending more time trying to get out of snags then fishing.....so I tried to keep my line as vertical as possible (line is more up and down then out from boat) and sometimes depending on the current that day and wind you actually need to increase the size of your jig so you don't get snagged as much...the heavier jig will drop faster which is good because you want to keep popping that jig up and down between the rocks to trigger a bite. As Jon Bondy explained the walleyes (bass too) will grab the jig on the fall, but you will feel the fish on the next lift of your rod.


    This is a great way to fish current areas....if you see someone doing this with a VERTICAL presentation, that angler knows what he's doing as he's experienced in fishing there....but if you see someone that isn't vertical but drifting jigs in current areas, well that angler will spend more time running back up river to free a snag then catching fish...Sometimes HEAVIER jigs are better.... :)





    Some really good points there, especially on the larger jig use. I use 3/8-1/2oz. more often than smaller jigs on the rainy river. Basically it allows you to fish where you want to fish, and with smaller jigs, it's very difficult to even judge where your lure actually is.


    Also, I agree about the vertical presentation, but, I much prefer to cast and retrieve to find the right structure and to find active fish. IMO this method will land many more fish in a river setting, then vertical jigging. But, there are times for both techniques, judging when why and where is the question the angler has to figure out, lol.

  7. Well, I've been out the past 2-3 days, and the bite wasn't hot, but patience won and we managed some decent walleye and some family fun. The weather was very nice for a week straight, sunny, warm and almost zero wind, not very ideal for fishing. So yesterday morning I was exited to wake up and see some clouds, some wind, and even some snow flurries.


    I managed to land my biggest walleye thus far on soft water (from shore, too crappy out for the boat). But that will not last long, as the momma walleyes are heading in to spawn from LOTW and Rainy Lake!


    Anyhow, a few pics


    Bagged up and ready to go, two small walleyes




    Yesterdays gear




    Pretty gnarly conditions, snow/sleet, to the west




    To the east




    A buddys 22" two days ago





    My daughter stuck in a tree, lol




    An upgrade for the OFC tourny



  8. Boy...you must think i'm the most ungrateful dude ever...so many invites and still yet to fish with ya. I really appreciate the offers and would almost saw off my...well...leg....to come down. How many hours drive from Dryden are you again...i kinda feel if its gonna happen its gonna be a one day trip..lets just do it!


    Another member Rickster is from Emo...do you know him?


    No, not ungrateful at all, lol, I'm just giving you a friendly reminder of an invite! haha


    If you can make it, great, if not, no big deal. It's not like Dryden isn't near some amazing fishing (Lac Seul)


    I think it's about 1.5 hours if I remember correctly. Head down highway 11 until the turn off to Souix Narrows/ Nestor Falls, and we are right at the end of that highway.

  9. Awesome pics and report, and usual Limey! Always glad to see the kids getting out and having fun!


    So, when are you gonna head down to Emo??? We have to get out man, walleye run has begun, it's all soft water on Rainy River, and the mommas should be here in a week or so. Right now it's all 17-22" eyes, but those 30" mommas are comin' very soon!

  10. I went out fishing today(from shore) for a few hours. Bite was slow, but I managed a few decent fish, biggest was a 22" walleye.


    There was one boat near me with 4 people fishing as well, when the MNR pulled up in the boat. I don't mean to listen in, but I could here them off loading beer bottles from the boat, and they spent a good 30-40 minutes talking with them. I'm assuming they got fined for at least something. Anyhow, the boat left when the MNR was done with them.


    Then the 2 officers pulled up near shore to chat with me. I'm very happy about that, it's been over two years since I was last checked fishing that spot on the Rainy river. He asked how the bite was, I replied slow. He asked how many I had landed and their size, I told him I landed 4 fish, all but one in the 17-18" range, but I released all but one 22". He said "nice! What did you catch them on?" YUM 6" salted worms wacky rigged on a jig head I replied. He laughed, said thats different. He helped me take a few pictures of my fish then said good luck and was on his way.


    I'm just glad to see them out checking, but also appreciate how kind they were. It's really an awesome thing when the power doesn't get into their heads.


    Keep up the good work officers!

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