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Posts posted by manitoubass2

  1. Oil change here is $40


    But don't use any "mechanic" for auto work.


    Only about 15 in the area and nothing but problems with EVERY SINGLE ONE!


    Nothing but nightmares. I took my mom's Jeep liberty to at least 4 shops, vehicle outta commission for 6 weeks, never even got an answer as to what was wrong


    My mom sold it. The guy who bought it drove it over two days later kinda laughing at us


    I wish I was mechanically inclined

  2. Rick, did you get these photos off PB and onto imgur and Flickr or did you use the raw image?

    I downloaded Flickr and it automatically transferred all my photos PB included


    Only issue is they all went into one giant folder lol

  3. I'm getting out my 35MM cameras and talking the film in to the Drug Store. I shouldn't have sold all my film processing stuff years ago. Just like wax records film is going to make a comeback.

    Have you seen what a hasslebad is worth?


    Photographers seek these old items for big bucks!

  4. The ones that you have moved, have you tried to do anything with them other than view them? I tried to move mine to other photo sites and it wouldn't work. I think coming off PB they are changed and not the same as the raw image that was uploaded. I wouldn't be surprised if PB did this on purpose.

    Actually, I haven't. I better try


    Wow PB is gonna be boycotted very quick!

  5. Well I don't take pics to throw away lol


    Those are memories. And remember when I take a pic of one kid, I do all 7 usually lol


    Really it was just a back up. Now im just storing them on memory cards and into the safe they go


    Won't be posting many online anymore

  6. That doesn't sound like a lake that warrants an outpost camp. Like others have said, how does that lake not freeze solid or run out of oxygen in the winter?


    Hopefully you guys made the best of it, sounds like you did.

    There is a lake like that near me. Crystal clear and 4-6fow and full of 12-14"walleye


    I can't explain it either????

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