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Everything posted by Photoz

  1. I'm sure there's gotta be a passage in the Game & Fish Act that actually spells it out . . . . just can't find it. I found this on the MNR site, which pretty much pertains to what Wayne said about charging trespassers. Unfortunately the l'il stream in question is not navigable . . . . hell, ya can walk across it in spots with ankle boots and not get a wet foot. PRIVATE PROPERTY signs in plain view! TWO HUNTERS FINED $1,600 FOR TRESPASSING KENORA - Two Kenora hunters have been fined $800 each for trespassing on private property while deer hunting. Kirby Funk, 41, and Charles Gilbertson, 52, pleaded guilty under the Fish and Wildlife Conservation Act. Funk's rifle will be returned when his fine is paid. A deer shot by Funk was forfeited to the Crown and donated to charity. The court was told that on November 16, 2006, Funk and Gilbertson were hunting in the area of the hydro line west of Olson Road and south of Oldford Road area in Pellatt Township. Funk shot a deer on private property that had been clearly marked no hunting and no trespassing. The property owner and Funk both called Ministry of Natural Resources to report the incident. Kenora district conservation officers investigated the incident, seized the deer, Funk's rifle and later laid charges against the two men. Justice of the Peace Joe Morrison heard the case in the Ontario Court of Justice, Kenora, on March 20, 2007.[/size] The ministry reminds the public that they must always obtain a landowner's permission before going on to private property for any reason.
  2. M m m m m m . . . . . nope . . . . the C.O. implied there was a regulation in the Fish & Game Act that specifically mentions 'Fishing On Private Property?' I'm almost sure there is such a law . . . . perhaps I misunderstood what he said? If it was NOT covered (trespassing) by the fishing & hunting bylaws, I highly doubt you'd find MNR employees enforcing it. I read the MNR site regularly, and I KNOW people get charged for hunting on private property . . . . and I'm pretty certain it IS in the regs . . . I guess the best way to get a correct answer would be to call the MNR? Just thought someone might be able to point this out in the fishing regs?
  3. I know there are regulations that deal specifically with where you can, and cannot fish, private property-wise. I tried several 'GOOGLE' questions, but could not find the specific info I wanted. Basically, if a stream runs through a property that has very readable 'PRIVATE PROPERTY' signs, going in and fishing it obviously is unlawful under MNR Regulations. But, if I'm with a pal, who has told me he knows 'Joe Blow' who owns the property, and has permission . . . . . if the C. O. writes us both up, under what regulation would this come? I'm just curious . . . . I was told by a C. O. that going onto land, clearly marked 'NO TRESPASSING,' means exactly that, and you'll get written up . . . . but if you wish to have the land-owner appear in court, to swear under oath he gave you VERBAL permission, then it's up to a J P to decide. He says he's never had an aquittal on these grounds yet . . . . no land-owner has showed up to testify! I don't even question signs like that, nor would I ask a land-owner to make an exception for me . . .. but I WOULD like to see the wording of this law for myself. Yeah h h h . . . . knowing the new books were coming out in late January, I didn't keep the old one . . . a pointer in the right direction would be appreciated.
  4. Spent yesterday freezin,' and ducking the floating ice pans on the ONLY uncrowded trib I could find. The most exciting thing that happened . . . . I watched a 'territorial' fight between 2 mink . . . . musta been 'territorial, mating was over months ago. Those critters have to be the most vicious l'il animals I've ever seen . . . . the loser finally retreated into the rocks under the bridge, but the 'winner' still tried to go after him for a good 5 minutes before heading into the underbrush along the creek. I never saw the loser come out? But . . . nary even a line bump . ... except for the ice pans. I had several people stop by, going home . . . outta about 6 people, by 10:00, not one fish! Anybody going out today? CANADIAN COPPER? Is there gonna be trout available today?
  6. I found a spot kinda sheltered from that west wind . . . . but as it got worse, it switched to the northwest . . . . and brought 2 snowstorms, I hung in till about 10:00, but when the wind was almost blowin' my float outta the water, I packed 'er in. I had one hit . . . around 06:30 . . . . was holdin' my rod between my knees while I blew my nose, and my float disappeared . . . . by the time I jammed my hanky back in my pocket, it had given 2 quick yanks, I yanked back, and ended up with my hook & float tangled up in the fence behind me!! I checked a couple other spots on my way back . .. too muddy . . . too fast! Ah h h h h . . . tomorrow's another day! At least SOMEBODY got SOMETHING. Port Hope had about a half dozen anglers, TOTAL! (With NO fish!)
  7. Eastern tribs resembled fast flowing chocolate milk . . . I did fish a fairly sheltered spot for a few hours, but the wind switched to the northwest, at about 30 klicks, and with -5 temp, I decided I really wasn't all that keen on trout for supper . . . maybe I'll open a can of tuna . . . . better chemicals, eh!
  8. Geeze Lew . . . . doncha ever get a hankering to go hook into a nice trout to keep in practice for when YOUR fish are available?
  9. That ol' saying about the 'fishies bitin' best,' I'm wondering if this means ALL west winds . . . . even typhoon force ones? Ah h h h . . . . well, if nuthin' more, it'll blow the 'skeeters & black flies away. Watta way to start a holiday . . . -3, with up to 45 klick breeze . . . . THE FIRST WEEK OF APRIL?? Oh well . . . if anybody else happens to be out east this mornin,' I'm the guy just south of the trestle, shivering, & runnin' a float down the river, in front of the black van. Bring a tape measure to record the 32" 'bow I'm gonna hook!
  10. About 6 years ago I was bored between the trout run & the salmon coming back, no boat for bass or pickerel . . . . so a pal suggested I go after carp with him. EW W W W W W? Carp? Hell, I heard it's just like hooking an old sunken piece of driftwood! He just grinned and said if I went, I was in for a real treat. We pulled up at Lakeview (the former generating plant) and walked over to the boardwalk, where there was a couple dozen people set up. All of a sudden I heard a shrill 'beeping' sound then a high pitched scream . . . . and a guy makes a dive for his rod! He sets the hook, and line is peeling out so fast it almost smoked the reel up. WOW! This guy must have a big salmon on? After about 10 minutes, in comes about a 12 - 15 pound 'whistling salmon,' a k a carp! We had pretty primitine gear for carp . . . I had a 10.5' Fenwick and a 2000 Stradic, with 8 pound line . . . . I loaded my hook up with canned (DelMonte Summer Crisp) corn, cast it out, and laid my rod on the boardwalk, but was cauitioned I should hang onto it! About 15 minutes later I found out why . . . no tap, or little poke, all of a sudden my rod nearly got yanked outta my hand. About 20 minutes later, a carp just under 20 pounds was netted for me! I WAS TOTALLY HOOKED! I now have several carp rods & reels, buzzers & pod, and the rest of the toys that go with it. Although I never keep carp, if someone asks me for one I've caught, I'll ask what he plans to do with it . . . if it's 'for the rose bushes,' not a chance . . . . if it's for the table . . . . no problem. I had an Estonian gentleman on my route cook a piece for me a couple years ago, after I gave him a couple. Barbecued over charcoal, with some herbs & spices . . . . deeeeeelicious . . . firm flesh, much like bass! I use barbless hooks, and if I can 'beach' my carp, I will, and just pull the hook . . . and away he goes. The one shown in my avatar was caught at the mouth of the Credit last April, just under 35 pounds . . . sure made my reel sing. I call carp 'the poor man's muskie,' for under $100.00, a TTC ticket & the price of a can of corn, ANYBODY gets a chance at hauling in a 40+ pound fish! At risk of boring those of you who have already read this article, I'll post it again in case there might be SOMEONE who is interested.This is taken from a board that listed the World Championship Of Carp Fishing,' held on the St. Lawrence River between Ogdensberg & Mesina, New York in 2005 . . . first ever tournament held in North America. HISTORY OF CARP IN THE UNITED STATES Prior to 1900, most native fish were viewed as vital food resources. Fish designated as sport fish today were harvested commercially and shipped by rail to the cities. The results were gravely declining stocks of river and lake fish at a time the U.S. population was greatly expanding. In 1871, Ulysses S. Grant and Congress ordered the formation of the U.S. Fish Commission to oversee the nation's fisheries interests. By 1877 the studies of European fish farming techniques indicated the carp would contribute to the strength of the nation. By 1874, the commission after long study issued a report entitled, "Fishes Especially worthy of Cultivation." It went on to say that no other species except the carp promises so great a return in limited waters. Cited were advantages over such fish as black bass, trout, grayling and others "because it is a vegetable feeder, and although not disdaining animal matters can live on vegetation alone and can attain large weight kept in small ponds and tanks." In 1876, the commission enumerated other good qualities such as high fecundity (a count of ripe eggs in the female fish), adaptability to artificial propagation, hardiness of growth, adaptability to environmental conditions unfavorable to equally palatable species, rapid growth, harmlessness in relation to fish of other species, ability to populate waters to it's greatest extent and fine table qualities. By 1877, citing the above reasons and adding, 'there is no reason why time should be lost with less proved fishes," the commission, convinced of the value of carp, imported 345 fishes of scaled, mirror and leather carp from German aqua culturists. On May 26th, they were placed in the Druid Hill Park ponds in Baltimore, Maryland. The ponds proved inadequate and some were transferred to the Babcock lakes on the monument lot in Washington, D.C. the following year. So did they somehow escape from these confines to populate nearly everywhere? No. Now state governments get involved. Records indicate about 6,203 fingerlings were produced in the Babcock lakes in 1879. These were shipped to 273 applicants in 24 states. About 6,000 fingerlings were produced in the Druid Hill ponds that year and were stocked primarily in Maryland. One year later, 31,332 carp were shipped to 1,374 applicants. In 1882, carp production increased to 143,696 fish and distributed in small lots to 7,000 applicants. In 1883, about 260,000 carp were sent to 9,872 applicants in 298 of 301 congressional districts and to 1,478 counties. During the years 1879 to 1896, the U.S. Fish Commission distributed 2.4 million carp, some of which were sent to Canada, Costa Rica, Ecuador and Mexico. By 1897, the Commission discontinued the stocking because carp had been distributed nearly everywhere and many states assumed the task of propagation and stocking of carp.
  11. Yeah h h h . . . . as long as we continue to support the big box (sporting goods) store(s) the medium sized, to Mom & Pop establishments will continue to disappear. I use mostly one store to buy my gear . . . an hour's drive from Toronto, because he has EVERYTHING I need, if he doesn't have it, he'll order it for me, just on a phone call! Between this store, one in Markham, one in Pickering & one in Oshawa, and when I'm in the area, one in Keswick, the Big Box Store will never see me, as they have nothing more I need! Customer service is excellent in these smaller stores, and they can usually tell me what's bitin,' where, and what to use. And in a store that has 20 variations of each lure, you're bound to buy a lot more stuff you don't need, or will never use. Last month when I was looking for a Stradic 6000, I DID call the BIGGEST of the Big stores, got put on 'hold' twice, then was told Shimano no longer made a Stradic 6000!! There's one waiting to be picked up now, at my fave store!
  12. I can't download the link (dial-up) but, I believe the way the regulations stand, ONLY Division 8 has a limit on crappies, (30) but the rules MIGHT (and should) change if the ever get the new ones out.
  13. I'm toying around givin' the 'bows a try in the wee hours tomorrow. I've often caught salmon, on glow-in-the-dark Cleos, or roe bags off botton or under a float . . . . but I've gone out many times for 'bows, a couple hours before first light . . . . rarely ever got one befoe the eastern sky starts to lighten. Are the not a night feeder? Anybody else ever have any luck at night?
  14. When you're looking at that kinda investment, by the time you run around, buy a reel here, rod there, buzzer someplace else, order a pod, sight unseen (most places will want cash up front for special orders) and take into consideration your gas money & time, even if Fishing World IS a few bucks more, in the long run you'll be better off. I've bought about $3000.00+ in carp gear from Mike Jackson, even had a couple misunderstandings with him . . . but things were ALWAYS altered to my liking! Check Wackerbaits & Cabellas, get some prices, add your shipping charges, duty & difference in U. S. money, then take your list to Mike . . . . my bet is, he'll be VERY close! I know of no other 'one-stop' carp gear place anyhere in Ontario. I just checked out a 4500 Baitrunner & 6000 Stradic at several American sites (THIS Stradic was not available here) then called Mike . . . . YUP! He was more expensive . . . by about $20.00, on a $400.00+ order . . . but, if something happens this stuff, I KNOW I'll be taken care of. (I'm sure if I'da told Mike it was for my poor old widowed mother to use, he'd likely chopped the $20.00 off . . . I don't begrudge him making a profit!) Try them, I'm SURE they can come up with a deal you'll like!
  15. Heres a story that should REALLY interest many on this site . . . perhaps enough to write Mr. Bonokoski or The Editor and voice an opinion. I did . . . as follows: http://www.torontosun.com/News/Columnists/Bonokoski_Mark/ Dear Mr. Bonokoski . . . . I don't feel Bryan Maude did get a raw deal at all, as he admits himself, he was ultimately responsible for what was left. Perhaps ALL the organizers should have shared the fine . . . great example to set for the kids? It would seem EVERY trash pile left out in the wilderness has an excuse, when the people get caught! Being an avid 'shore fisherman', I see the awful messes left by other anglers, campers & even people who just drive to an area like this and uncerimoniously dump their garbage. I ALWAYS carry garbage bags in my van, and often clean up an area where I'm fishing . . . but then am stuck with the garbage and where to put it? I must find a dumpster to place it in, and take a chance I could be charged for doing this! But what REALLY irks me . . . . in the past 5 years more & more areas where us 'boatless' anglers have access to the water have angry residents petitioning their local councils to put their neighbourhoods off limits to ALL of us, because of a few who poluted with garbage & noise. There are either 'NO FISHING' signs go up, or 'NO PARKING / NO STOPPING,' signs, putting more & more spots off limits to responsible people who leave 'nothing but footprints.' A lake like Simcoe is a good example . .. . it belongs to ALL of us, but only residents, cottagers & boaters can fish 99% of it . . . I know of less than several dozen shore spots from up the east side from Keswick to Washago and back down the west side through Orillia, Barrie, and Bradford and back to Keswick where you can park, without at least risking a $30.00 ticket, and walk to the shore to fish! As an afterthought . . . all the garbage fit in this groups vehicles to get it there . . . but no room to bring it out? Sorry . . . not much sympathy here! Steve Herrell
  16. I have several Stradics, 2000 & 4000 . . . . and about to pick up a 6000 . . . because the ones I have have done so well, I didn't even consider anything else. A few years ago I had some Fireline cut grooves in the bale, where the line goes on the spool . . . dropped into Aikmans, they didn't even ask for a receipt, just fixed it on warranty. If anything goes seriously wrong, Shimano's main parts depot is in Peterborough . . where do the parts from OTHER manufacturers have to come from? I like Daiwa too . . . but after calling Aikman's about parts availability, I was cautioned there was NOT ONE PLACE IN CANADA for parts (3 years ago) and the closest place was California, I stuck with Shimano!
  17. Hm m m m m ?? I guess the old Ontario Motor League went the way of the dinosaur . . . . I just tried to find it on GOOGLE . . . CAA comes up? But . . . . it sounds like CAA is the only way to go . . . and well worth the extra for the better service . . . . I'll pass the message along. T'anks.
  18. I've have taken on a room-mate . . . . who is back on her own for the first time in about 25 years. Since she didn't have to do a lot of driving, and her 'ex' grudgingly looked after the maintenance of her car, she's now learning a few things the hard way. Like blowing a tire on #11 between Orillia & Barrie last weekend . . . she has a phone, but she had little idea of exactly where she was. Thank her lucky stars for a kindly O. P. P. officer who stopped, changed her tire, and escorted her to a place he knew would be able to repair the flat!! But . . . . she hadn't gotten around to getting SOME kind of emergency road coverage. Somebody told her Crappy Tire has something . . . . but over the last couple years I've seen their service get some bad press. I usually drive a new vehicle and in over 20 years have not had to use 'Roadside Assistance' programs, so I know little about any of them, except I've rarely heard and bad reports about either I mentioned in my heading. Can anyone help her out on what might be the best service, what she can expect to pay, where does she get an application? She does a lotta travelling between Vaughn / Markham to north of Huntsville . . . . and drives a 10 year old Grand Prix . . . that things are starting to go on. We thank you VERY much.
  19. My bet would be a kidney stone . . . . I KNOW just how incredibly painful they can be . . . . I spent several hours in the emerge only a couple weeks back when mine started it journey to see daylight . . . . it's stopped again . .. and you NEVER know, till it starts moving again . . . . THEN YOU KNOW!! Although it won't kill you, it can sure make you THINK you're dying! It's about the only thing I know of that would make Chuck holler 'UNCLE!' Or take him away from his fishing! Good luck . . . . let us know!
  20. I'm so sorry to hear about your beloved pet . . . . . to me, it is not 'just a dog' that is lost, but a bona fide member of the family. As you likely know, I have a lot of 'my own pets,' doggies that I always have 'treats' for on my mail route . . . . . every so often the inevitable happens, and I lose one . . . . . I feel like hell for days. I've only ever owned ONE dog . . . when I was a kid . . . . . never foud another that could stand up to his memory, nor had any desire to lose ANOTHER 'best friend.' At least you gave him a good life, and were strong enough to end his suffering when there was no more hope.
  21. I bought a Civic 'EX' new in '95, drove it 4 years, 116,000 klicks . . . a headlight, 2 tail light bulbs, a fuel filter, tune-up (including plugs) brakes all the way around, 4 tires & oil changes . . . could squeak 46 mpg outta it on the highway, 36 in the city . . . . and it would go like scat!! I bought an Si in '99, damn near killed myself with THAT l'il rocket . . . . drove it 65,000 klicks . . . . oil changes only . . . . went to a van. If I could figure out how to pack 13' rods & a bunch of other fishin' gear in a new Civic, the Caravan would be gone today!! What I like the most . . . . that 'sports-car feel! (5 gear) A GR R R R E A T lady's car . . . . but . . . . VERY bad crash ratings!
  22. About a month ago I started lookin' for a new 'toy,' a rather hard-to-come-by model of a popular reel. After checking most of the local tackle shops to no avail, to look at a Stradic 6000 . . . . only by special order . . . and cash up front. I found a few on Internet sites, but by the time ALL the expenses were tallied up, not a bargain. I e-mailed Mike at Fishing World, asked if maybe Shimano might 'loan' him one for me to check out, as I might not be able to match it with the carp rods I had in mind. Simple solution . . . "Ah h h h . . . . . we should have one in stock anyway for display, I'll order it, you can check it out . . .. . no obligation to buy!" I was flabbergasted . . . . but this is just the way they do business. But . . . . . I just got another e-mail . . . . "The Stradic 6000 is in . . . . would you like me to bring it up to the Sportsman's Show, so you can check it out?" I'd like to know if YOUR tackle shop would do this for YOU?
  23. I traded a 2001 Montana for a 2004 Grand Caravan 2 1/2 years ago. Although I grudgingly have to say, at 70,000 klicks I've replaced 2 headlights, a brake light bulb, and 2 signal light bulbs, period, so far, so good! About 6 months ago a 'engine light' came on . . . nearly gave me a heart attack . . . . in the ol' days, this REALLY meant big trouble. Went to my dealer . . . wanted $89.95 to 'locate the problem,' I went to my mechanic, he plugged a l'il gizmo into the steering column, checked the code book . . . time to replace a little filter that supposedly cleans the cabin air. Guestimated about $100.00! He cancelled it out . . . no more problems! But . . G. M. refused to replace a rear wiper motor, 350 kilometres over warranty, or even give me a break on it, with the Montana . . . so much for customer service there, eh? But . . . . this Dodge may look nice, it even handles acceptibly, but just has that . . . . CHEAP (??) feel to it. Next year . . . . a new Montana . . . . they will bury me with it. Ford vans . . . . just hear too many horror stories about 'em! Japanese . . . I'd love to . . . . but I'm about $10,000.00 short of affording one! The reason I chose Dodge . . . . . pure & simple . . . . PRICE! And I got what I paid for . . . almost! I checked back with the dealer, gave them the name of the part needed . . . . they STILL INSISTED they had to check it themselves ($89.95) and could only estimate, IF this was the problem, 'about $375.00,' with all taxes . . . . watta COMPLETE RIP-OFF! Oh yeah . . . leave it with them for a day . . . my garage would order the part, call me and do it while I waited!
  24. M U R P H Y ’ S L A W In any field of scientific endeavour, anything that can go wrong, will go wrong! Left to themselves, things will only go from bad to worse. If there’s a possibility of several things going wrong, the one that eventually go wrong is the one that will do the most damage possible. Mother nature ALWAYS sides with the hidden flaw. Mother Nature is also the worst birch imaginable! If everything appears to be going very well, you have obviously overlooked something! D A F F Y N I T I O N S A R C H I T E C T S Architects are people who know a great deal about very little, and who go along knowing more & more about less and less, until they reach a point where they know practically nothing about everything. E N G I N E E R S Engineers, on the other hand are people who know very little about a great deal. They keep learning more and more about less and less until the reach a point where they know practically nothing about just about everything. C O N T R A C T O R S Contractors start out knowing practically everything about everything, but end up knowing nothing about anything, due to having to associate with architects and engineers far to much!
  25. I had the pleasure of fondling a Stella a few years ago . . . . a retired gent had a beauty of a 13' custom trout rod, with 'Stella' attached . . . . he let me land about a 3 pound 'bow with it . . . . . THAT is one nice reel! Way y y y y out of my price range . . . . I'll 'make do' with the cheap stuff! Hell . . . the fish don't know anyway!
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